Chapter 7

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"You're not Peter Pan. Peter Pan doesn't exist" I said.

"You said you'd hear me out..." he lifted an eyebrow.
I stopped... and motioned my hands telling him to continue.

"Ill prove it!" He shot up saying. "Stand up! Come here!" He said with a smile. He definitely had an idea which worried me a bit, but I stood up and walked over.

"Okay, close your eyes" he said, and I did. I didn't know how this would prove it though. "Now think of your happiest memory, relive it in your head!" he said. He sounded so happy I could practically hear him smile.
So I thought of what seemed to be my happiest memory at the time and waited. .... and waited.... and kept on waiting.... and waited some more...
"What?" I asked him, nothing was happening.

He stopped and thought for a moment before Danny said "Think about it again!" So I closed my eyes and thought of my happiest memory. Danny paused "We just need your faith and trust" he said. Still nothing was happening but then after a few seconds Peter yelled probably as loud as he could

It scared the hell out of me. Then all of a sudden I felt like someone just sprayed me with a bit of warm water, but as soon as that feeling came, it was gone.
I felt nothing, nothing at all but then I heard a voice. It was Peter.
"Now open your eyes" he said. But it sounded like I was the slightest bit above him. So I opened my eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" I yelled. I was in the air! I was floating in the hotel room all by myself. I couldn't believe what was going on. Danny and Peter burst into their big smiles, their laughter filling the room.

"Believe me now Mary?" Peter asked, a proud smirk on his face. "I tought you how to fly!"

I started yelling at them. I didn't know how to get down but after a few seconds of being mad, I broke into laughter.
"Get me down!!" I chuckled.
Peter jumped up and pulled me to the ground.
"All you have to do is think about how youre going to land, then it'll happen" he said. "Okay" I smiled. Peter had just helped me fly. I just flew! That was all I could think.

The boys seemed so happy, and so was I.

"So could you finnish what you were explaining to me? Peter Pan."

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