16. recovering

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**two months later**

all i see is black, i can hear people crying and speaking but thier words are just a jumble. i scream but no noise comes out. i see a bundle of blankets across from me, i run over to the bundle and see a baby, its not sophia it looks like me, i pick up the baby and its like a flashback


"shh" a woman coo's, the baby makes some gurgling noises "goodbye my dear sophie, ill come back for you" she smiles sadly, she kisses the baby on the head and gives her a locket and two pictures, "ill always love you, remember mummys name is Gabrielle evans, and your name is sophie evans" she kisses the baby on the head again and puts the child on the doorstep. tears slide down her cheeks and she rings the doorbell before running off into the woods, she hides behind a tree and watches a lady look around, pick the baby up and then take the locket, once she's got the locket she places the baby on a park bench near her house, Gabrielle has no choice but to leave her dear child on the bench, she turns around and see's jason looking at her nodding his head, gabbrielle walks over to her baby's father jason and he helps her into the car. after that they are gone leaving thier daughter sophie evans on the bench. 

*end of flashback* 

i opwn my eyes and see a nurse looking at me, "sophie" i look to my right and see cameron "cam?" i ask confused "sophie you were stupid! you took my daughter and never told me about our baby!" he shouts "im sorry" i whisper "sorry won't cut it, im breaking up with you, i don't want to see you again!" he shouts walking out the room leaving me there crying "cameron im sorry!" i shout hoping he'll stay, he doesn't even turn around, he just leaves just like that. the flashback comes into my mind and i get up from my bed, i need to find that locket! i run out of the hospital and run to the bench i was found at, i see the house accross the road and run thier banging roughly on the door. a woman come's out and smile's "you look like my daughter" she says breaking into a grin "what was her name?" i whisper "gabrielle, gabrielle evans why sweetie?" she asks brightly, you have my locket" i scowl, she jumps back obviously surprised, i see her grip the chain around her neck and her eyes darken "get out of here!" she hisses, i grab the chain and pull it off her neck, i turn around and start running, i run untill i reach my old flat, i unlock the door and sink down to the ground, my hearts racing so badly, i think i just saw my grandmother, before i can open the locket i have a excruciating pain in my abdomen i look down and see a puddle of blood, i walk to the hospital, my eyes feel heavy but i carry on walking, i reach the hospital and im surrounded by doctors and im rushed into a room  but just before i black out i look in my hand and see the locket and smile. 


my first thought  is my baby, is it alive and inside me or is it dead. "sophie look im so so sorry, i should never have broken up with you" cameron says hanging his head in shame "i love you and i want you to be my wife" he murmmers putting his head in his hands, "my baby" i say without any emotion "ahh your up!" a doctor smiles as he alter's the tubes attached to me. "my baby" i say again without any emotion "im afraid you had a miscarrige, the baby died because you were stabbed then when you were in a coma your baby started making progress but died due to repetitive stress that you had and also blood loss" the doctor says sadly, i fall to the bed and completly break down "shh we can have another baby sweetheart" camron whispers in my ear "no cam you don't understand!" i cry, but before i can say anything else two police officers come in "sophie evan's im arresting you on suspicion of kidnap, you do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be given as evidence in court"on of them says cameorn looks at me then speaks to the police officer "officer did she kidnap my daughter sophia?" he asks angrily "yes sir" the officer replies "cam please im sorry"i whisper, he just looks at his hands and waits while i get taken to prison.

a/n im sorry it's another short chapter!! please

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