9. old/ new friends

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i woke up at around 9am this morning, i decided i would go to school because i havent been for a while, as im getting ready i still have marlee on my mind, i know im deffinatly going to meet her tonight im quite worried though because i haven't seen her in ages. but it makes me feel happier knowing at least someone still likes me! i wonder if she's heard from sally yet because i haven't heard from either of them for so long. maybe just maybe we can be best friends again, maybe my life isn't going to be as bad as i think its going to be! 

as im walking to school memories flash through my mind of me and leah when we would walk down this road and chat about pointless things and i would be happy. sadly those days are long gone and i can never have them back.

sometimes i feel like im talking to myself and having convasations  in my head and to be completly honest it scares me and i don't like my thoughts!

when i walk into my registration class im met by one of the popular boys, hes cute but he would never go for a crazy girl like me "hey sophie?" he says "what?" i mumble back in response "do you wanna come to my party tomorrow?" he smirks "sure whatever" i mumble "it starts at 7 and it at my house, my parents are out" he smirks giving his friend a high five "see ya soph" he smiles happily. maybe im wrong maybe he could like someone like me! 

the rest of the day goes by so slowly and i can't stop thinking about the party, even though im not popular yet i feel like im climbing up the popularity ladder, maybe leah was keeping me down so she could get what she wanted. speaking of leah as im leaving the school gates she runs up to me "sophie dont go to liams party tonight!" she pants "why?!" i shout getting reaally annoyed, shes not going to take everything away from me "i heard them speaking when you left-" "i dont want your pathetic lies leah" i shout making her flinch, "he said he is going to take your virginity, him and his friends are having a competion  to see who takes the most girls" she says "why would you tell me this you hate me!" i spit into her face still not believing her "you protected my baby when cameron was going to hurt her, i found out im having a baby girl" she smiles a genueine smile when she mentioned her baby "i dont believe you bitch" i shout and storm off leaving her there tears forming in her eyes, she just  wants all the attention to herself! 

right now im sitting on my bed wondering if i should go to the party, maybe leah is telling the truth, i hope not, i shake the thoughts out of my mind mentally slapping myself for thinking that, leah is a bitch and i hate her and im not going to stop having fun because of her little pranks. that bitch is going to be surprised when i get my own back on her, and that will be soon, very soon! i smile and fall asleep thinking of my plan 

a/n what do you think of leah and sophie now? will sophie go to the party or will she stay aand believe her old best friend?? and what is sophies plan????? 

please comment !!!!!!!!!! voteeeee!!!!!!! and recommend!!!!!!! 

try and guess what sophies plan is and comment your answer, if you dont i dont mind as long as your reading my story! xx

btw if you follow me ill follow you back and ill read your books!!!!!!! :)

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