19. family confusion

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"lilly go and fetch mummy" he smiles at the little girl "i thought you were my father?" i ask utterly confused "you are " he says obviously "then how is she my cousin?" i ask even more confused "when  gabrielle (your mother)became pregnant  she was chucked out so she came to live with me, when you were born me and your mother had some troubles so we had to leave you at your grandmothers doorstep, we had to leave after we saw her put you on a park bench even though she knew you were her granddaughter" he says sadly "then what happened"I ask wanting to know why my parents abandoned me "there are people wanting to kill our family, i can't tell you why yet though, they caused me and gabrielle to have a car crash and she got badly hit in the abdomen she then found out she couldn't have any children. then the same people lit my little sister and her husbands house on fire, luckily lilly wasn't there at the time, so we took lilly in with open arms, look sophie we had to leave you otherwise you would be dead" he says tears brimming his eyes "who's trying to kill our family?" i ask scared , he bury's his face in his hands "i can't tell anyone, only me and gabrielle know" he whispers "you have to tell me!" i shout "look if they want to kill me then i deserve to know!" i add "sophie" a womans voice shouts, i look up and see a young woman smiling at me, her face suddenly turns terrified "they are here!" she whispers as the doorbell rings "sophie run out the back door now!!!" he whisper-shouts, i stand confused but follow orders anyway. i race through the house and hide behind a massive bush so i can still see what's going on, two men come in, they look really mean, one of them has short stubble and has a stone look on his face, the other man looks similar exept he has more stubble and he looks even worse, they punch jason in the face making him have a nose bleed, lilly then runs down and i watch the horrific scene unfold.

they have beaten up lilly so badly she's unconscious and jason and gabrielle are tied up to chairs beaten as well then another man come's in the room and he come's out to the garden to smoke, panic fill's my body and i step back causing a twig to snap, the mans face whips round really fast and he walk's slowly to the bush im hiding behind "come out come out" he smirks "if your here ill find you!" he laughs, i turn around and see a brick wall, he turns around for a few minutes so i take my opportunity and run up to the wall but then suddenly instead i feel a hand grab my  arm and pull me back, i get such a fright and i stumble back, i scream but its muffled by a hand slipping over my mouth, some strange material is held over my mouth and nose. my mind goes fuzzy and i slip into unconsciousness.

a/n sorry i havent uploaded in like forever but i had writers block so im not sure where the story is going but YOLO!!! anyway please 



and fan!!!!!!!!!

btw i went to the zoo 2day and saw the cutest little squirrel monkeys EVER!!!!!!!!

sorry its short i will make them longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw its NOT finished 

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