17. prison

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i've been sitting in the same cell looking at the same white wall, sitting on the same bed for almost three hours, its killing me. i hate marlee so much, i groan in frustration and punch the wall, i curl my knees up to my chest trying not to let the tears spill out of my eyes, im so so stupid, i can't believe what i did! i was horrible to marlee and ill never forget how much pain i saw on leah's face  when i said she might not get sophia back, im a vile, cruel person that deserves to rot in prison. i let my tears fall freely and let myself drown in sadness. this is going to be the reality from now on. 

**day of the trial**

i don't have a lawyer because i can't afford it but i want to be punished, i want to be punished from all the pain and heartbreak that i have caused. 

everyone suddenly stood up in the court room as the judge  walked in, i noticed leah and cameron shooting me evils and i also saw that marlee was sitting crying her eyes out. then i realised just how much damage i had done, tears filled my eyes but then i decided i had to right that wrong by telling the whole story even the part when i helped leah and also when she stabbed me. once everyone had sat down the judge starting the trial, well this is it my fate!


ive just finished the trial , i missed out the fact that leah stabbed me because she has a baby to take care of, anyway because im legally labled mad i have to go to a crazy home, for nurses to look after me for a whole month plus i get comunity service, but because of my kidness missing out leah stabbed me she made sure i didn't go to prison. looks like she has a heart after all. so here i am, on my way to a hospital to get looked after im being escorted by a policeman in his cop car. "you got let off easy little girl" the american sounding policeman mutters to me "yeah" i plainly reply annoyed at the fact thats what everyone thinks.

once we arrived the policeman had to take me inside in case i ran away again. 

that was the day i started my first day of the mental house. sadly. 

a/n sorry ive had writers block!! i know its short aswell




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