1) ❝Narcissistic Son of a Bitch❞

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Ah, I forgot to mention! Everyone is human in this. If you've read my other Morby stories, you will see that I hate the idea of a beak pecking a raccoon's lips. XD It's just... It would be too weird. So all the characters in my Morby stories will always be in human form. :)

Forgive me... For this chapter is short. :( I didn't want to go ahead and explain everything in the first chapter, because it'll be even more dramatic when hearing about the backstory in later chapters, you know? When they're both closer...



[Rigby's POV]

"Thank you." I said, getting out of the eighteen wheeler truck. "No problem, kid. Hey, sorry I couldn't take you all the way to California. I'm afraid that this is my stop. Got family here, you know? It's almost Christmas and I gotta stay with them." The nice trucker said. I just smiled at him and nodded. "It's okay, really. I'm just glad you were able to take me this far." I said.

The trucker nodded, scanning me up and down. "Do you not have a family?" He asked. I frowned a little and looked down. "I do... But there's things I gotta find first before I can go back to them." I replied. "Well... Just stay safe. I hope you find what you're looking for." The trucker said.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Will do. Thanks again."

I grabbed my bags and started walking down the road, seeing how far I could get without needing a ride. I know this is pretty dangerous, hitching a ride and all. I've watched enough Criminal Minds to know what happens once you decide that riding with a complete stranger is your best option. But for one, I honestly don't care if the stranger I'm riding with tries to kill me. "To die would be an awfully big adventure," as Peter Pan likes to put it. We'd be going into the unknown, which makes it such an exciting adventure, and I am definitely one for adventures. If I die, I might as well just be reincarnated as a king, and that idea doesn't sound too bad to me.

I had been walking for what felt like an hour, but it was actually only twenty minutes of walking. I started to get tired, and my legs ached from it all. I just had to stop and stick my thumb out to ask for another ride, which I doubt anyone would pull over like that nice trucker guy.

Turns out I was wrong, because someone did indeed pull over and roll their window down. A man with blue hair and black tips leaned over the passenger seat, staring me up and down. "Why are you on the side of the road, asking for rides?" He asked, bringing his sunglasses down to settle on the bridge of his nose, then raising his brow at me. I just flashed him a toothy grin before replying, "It gets me places faster."

The guy stared at me for a moment, probably taking in my appearance. I didn't look like much, today. All I had on was a brown jacket, black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, a white scarf around my neck, and a brown beanie that had little ears and a cute little raccoon face on it. Pretty much my everyday casual look.

"Don't you have money for, I don't know, a plane? A bus? Taxi? Hell, don't you have your own car?" The man asked. I laughed a little and placed my hands on my hips, raising a brow at him. "You sure do ask a lot of questions. Luckily for me, I don't have to answer any of them--"

"You will if you want a ride."

I pursed my lips and looked away. We were sort of in the middle of nowhere, just one long road and a meadow. And he was the only one who bothered to stop, so I did kind of need this.

"Do I have money for any other transportation? No I do not. Do I have my own car? Fuck, I wish. Now you know why I'm asking for rides." I said, rolling my eyes. The man narrowed his eyes at me, throwing another question my way. "Why don't you have any money?"

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