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[Rigby's POV]

"Baby boy! Come here!"

I put my script down and got up, walking down the hallway and into Mordecai's study. "Yes?" I said. Mordecai stood up, holding something behind his back. "Daddy made something for you," he said with a grin. I raised a brow and stared at him in confusion. "What is it..?" I asked cautiously.

Mordecai showed me what he was hiding behind his back, causing my eyes to widen. "Tada!" He said. It was this poster decorated with pictures of me and Mordecai. It looked beautiful with all of Mordecai's drawings and doodles.

"It's basically my favorite photos I took of us and you. I had them all saved on my computer, so I printed them out and decided to make this for you. What do you think?" Mordecai said, smiling. I grabbed the board and stared at it in awe. "It's... It's beautiful! You didn't have to do this!" I said, looking up at him with a smile. Mordecai shrugged and chuckled a little. "I'd do anything for the love of my life," he replied.

I smiled a little and leaned up, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Mordecai... You have no idea how happy you've made me over the year we've been together. I just... I don't know how to thank you," I replied. Mordecai got closer and smirked. "I do," he said. I raised a brow, nodding for him to continue.

Mordecai grabbed my hand and got down on one knee, causing my eyes to widen. "You can... Say yes to marrying me," he said, reaching into his back pocket and revealing a box with a ring in it. I gasped and slowly dropped the poster, covering my mouth up. "Are you joking..?" I asked, staring at him in shock. Mordecai looked at the ring and then back up at me. "Mmm... I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I went to the store yesterday and bought this ring for you, telling the woman that I was going to ask the love of my life to marry me, so... No. I'm not joking. Rigby Valentine... Will you marry me?" He asked.

My eyes welled up with tears and I felt my heart pick up it's pace. "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" I said, pulling him up and jumping into his arms, my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Mordecai hugged me tight and spun me around. "You know... Every kiss begins with K," he said, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh. I pulled away and held his face in my hands. "You dork," I said, leaning in and kissing him passionately. Our lips moved together as if it was the end of the world.

And that's the way we lived. Married... Happy. I had found my one true love... The guy for me.

Mordecai has showed me what true happiness is. He showed me that what I look like is something I shouldn't be ashamed of. He said I was perfect in every way and that I didn't need to change. He's taught me what true love is. Sure, I had a rough life in the past... But meeting Mordecai just made everything okay.

And sure, maybe at first I didn't think this moving in together thing was going to work, because I felt bad that Mordecai was just going to be taking care of me... But he found me a job at this restaurant where they do plays and pay their actors a lot of money. So everything has been working out perfectly.

I love him... And... I finally have a family. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Mordecai towered over me, sweat dripping down his forehead. "Rigby... I love you," he said, thrusting inside me once more, causing me to moan and cup his cheeks. "I love you, too, Mordecai," I breathed out. Mordecai smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine and kissing me passionately.

Yup... Definitely wouldn't trade this man for a million bucks. Mine forever.





THE END! For real this time. This is the last chapter in the book.

I'm sorry this story was so short. It wasn't meant to be a long book in the first place. XD But I hoped you guys enjoyed it! Thank you guys so much for reading this book and commenting and voting. It really means a lot. :3 Makes this man happy.

Comment something on my thiscrush! You can ask me questions or whatever. I love hearing from you guys. If you comment something on my thiscrush, I'll answer them in my I'm Garbage book. Link in my bio.

And now I think I'm probably gonna post that story I was talking about. When I post it, I'll make a chapter in this book, explaining that it's out and stuff.

Bye monsters!

The Hitch-Hiker [Morby]Where stories live. Discover now