8) ❝Goodbye, He Said❞

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[Rigby's POV]

We had arrived at Mordecai's house and I was actually kind of ready to meet this "baby" of his. I've heard nonstop talk about her, and it was kind of making me... Jealous, I guess you would say.

Mordecai unlocked the door and opened it up. "Baby! I'm home!" He called out. I prepared myself for the worst, but the next thing I know, I hear barking and running from upstairs. What?

When I closed the door and turned my head, I saw this big, beautiful chocolate lab running down the stairs. Mordecai crouched down and held his arms out, getting knocked down by the big dog as she jumped on him and licked his face. "Aw, I'm glad to see you too!" He said, sitting up and hugging her.

So his "baby" is his... Dog... I feel stupid.

"This is your baby..?" I asked, staring at the dog in disbelief. Mordecai looked up at me as he pet his dog. "Yeah. What did you think my baby was..?" He asked with a smile. I crossed my arms and looked away, trying to hide my blush of embarrassment. I heard Mordecai laugh, so I looked at him, watching him shake his head. "You thought my baby was a significant other, didn't you?" He asked, laughing some more. "Hey! Don't judge me! Stop laughing! I can't help myself for getting jealous, you asshole!" I snapped.

Mordecai stopped laughing and blinked a few times. He tilted his head to the side and raised a brow. "Jealous?" He asked. My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks get really hot. I didn't just admit that, did I?

I got ready to speak, but the next thing I know, the dog barks at me, causing me to jump and back up a little. Mordecai stood up and pet the dog, giving me a small smile. "Don't worry, she's sweet. She won't bite you," he said. I reached down and started to pet her, causing her to lick up my cheek. I chuckled a little and started to pet her more. "What's her name?" I asked, smiling up at Mordecai. He crouched down with me and started to pet the dog. "Little Rock," he said. I chuckled and let the dog lick my face again. "More like big rock. She's huge!" I exclaimed. Mordecai laughed a little and nodded. "Big guard dog, that's for sure. She'll attack when threatened, but she's actually just a big sweetheart," he said, kissing her.

I smiled at them. Mordecai lived in this big house with just his dog. Must be pretty lonely...

"Hey, how about you go ahead and take you a shower? I'll get some supper started, alright?" Mordecai said. I looked at him and raised a brow. "Can you cook?" I asked. Mordecai laughed and stood up. "Hell yeah I can cook! Come on, I'll show you where my bedroom is. You can shower in my bathroom, because its WAY cooler than all the other ones, and you deserve the best," he said, pulling me up and smirking. I smiled at him and nodded.

Mordecai held my hand and led me up the stairs, Little Rock following close behind us. Mordecai led me down a few hallways, then into this huge bedroom. "Wow! This room is AMAZING!" I said. Little Rock jumped up on the bed and barked. "She agrees. You can sleep in here with me tonight... If you want to that is... I can always show you where the guest bedroom is, you know?" He said, grinning at me.

"I wanna sleep with you... Will you cuddle me..?" I asked, batting my lashes innocently. Mordecai smiled and moved some hair behind my ear. "I'll do whatever you want me to do, Valentine," he whispered. I wrapped my arms around Mordecai's neck and smiled a little. "What I really want you to do is fuck me senseless in the shower BUT... I also want you to cook, because I want to see how good you are at it" I whispered back. Mordecai looked into my eyes and brushed his lips against mine. "Keep talking like that, and I'll have to order out," he said in a husky voice. I smirked and pulled away from him. "Nope! I want to taste your cooking. Wait, I need to go get my bags--"

"Nonsense. I'll go get your bags and bring them up. You go ahead and get in the shower," Mordecai cut me off, smiling. I smiled back and nodded. I turned around, then felt my ass get smacked by Mordecai. I looked over my shoulder and playfully glared at him. "Asshole," I said, causing him to chuckle. "Come on, Little Rock. Daddy's going to cook," Mordecai said. Little Rock barked and jumped off the bed, following Mordecai out of the room.

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