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I gently opened my eyes and saw that I was on a bed. Not mine. It smelt like mint and vanilla ice cream. Then I realized I was in Zander's room because I could see the dumbbells in the corner under his window

Only Zander's mad enough to be lifting weights this early in his life

Not that it's a bad thing

But the weird thing is I don't remember coming here last night. In fact I don't remember anything from last night

I try to sit up and felt a sharp pain in the back of my head making me fall back into bed. I let out a groan as my head started to pound like crazy

I let out a groan. I need help

"Hello" I yell

"Is anyone home?" No answer

Oh yeah. Mom's at work Rob went on a business trip and the guys must be in school. *Mental Gasp*

School. Im so friggin late

I lazily pulled myself up ignoring the crazy painful head ache and dragged my self out of the room I was in

I made it into the hallway and sloppily walked down the hallway

Suddenly I felt pain in my left knee as if I was just stabbed there My knee buckles and I fall flat on my face with a thud sound

I heard multiple footsteps coming up the stairs. Oh thanks God I thought I would have to drag myself to my room

"Wow, talking about a hangover" I heard Max and Hunter laugh as my body was lifted off the floor to my feet by the mighty Zander

"Shhhh, not so loud" I groan

"Thanks" I say as I try balancing on one foot

"You. Look. Terrible" Xavier said just staring at me

"Gee thanks. Why aren't you guys in school?" I ask as I lached to his arm

"A lot of people weren't in school so the school told the rest of us to go home" Hunter said excitedly

"And im guessing they're all suffering the exact same thing that you are" Xavier said

"I have a splitting headache, I'm sore all over, The back of my head hurts, I feel like carp right now and im so tired and exhausted. Can one of you just take me to bed, please" I mumble

"Don't you want an explanation for why your knee hurts?" Xavier asked, pointing at it

I looked down and saw it wrapped up in a bandage. I wonder how this happened

"Later. I just want to sleep right now"

"What ever you say, sleepy head" Zander lifted me off my feet and carried me bridal style to my room

"Thanks, I really appreciate it" I mumble as he placed me on my bed and cover my body in the sheets

"You're welcome, beautiful" he smiled then kissed my forehead

I blushed. I'm sure my cheeks are really red right now. Then he left. I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to consume me

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