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I'm such an idiot. I fucked up. I really fucked up. I gave Cyrus Freya's phone number. She's gonna hate me so much when she find out

Only God knows what he's gonna do with it

I feel so terrible inside

I feel disgusting and dirty

I'm a bad person, a really bad person

Let me just quickly clear something up

I got Freya drunk not because I wanted something bad to happen to her

The day before the party I was playing truth or dare with a couple of guys

Call me a slut if you want i don't care

They dared me to get her drunk enough for them to take advantage of

I said no

But the guy that dared me to do threatened to do it himself and fuck her too

So I said okay

When I got her drunk at the party I made sure we were as far away from him as possible and distracted her by dancing

But I got drunk too and when some guy took her a way i didn't even realize it

When I didn't see her the next day i started to panic. I thought he got to her and raped her or something

But she said she was okay. That was a huge relief

It was an honest mistake and I'd do anything to take it back. Really

But she said some weirdos been texting her I immediately knew it was him. I just wished I could have come clean there on the spot

But how did that Cyrus creep find out about it?

I just hope she'll forgive me if she ever finds out

Didn't I say it would be clearer later
Hee hee. Naughty me






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