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My alarm went off waking me up and I jumped out of bed having the best idea ever

Yesterday I noticed a lot of people picking on Xavier cuz he's really smart and wears glasses so my outfit for today was a black shirt that said 'nerds need love too', black (whatever those black shorts with strings attached are called), and black high tops

I tried my hair to the side and wore my dorky glasses and moustache ring plus matching necklace then went downstairs with my back and a bunch of books in my hands to look nerdy

"Hey everyone" I giggled, posing in front of them for effect

They were all on there phones, eating there breakfast. I cleared my throat to get there attention. They didn't respond

"Hellooo, earth to boys" I said and they finally looked up

They didn't say a word they just stared at me with wind eyes

"How do I look?" I ask

"I think your the hottest nerd I've ever seen" Zander grinned

"Yeah" Hunter chuckled

"Straight up" Max agreed

"I agree" Xavier smiled

"Goodie, you see I felt bad yesterday when that ass hole was bullying Xavier so i put this in to represent nerds everywhere" I said excitedly

"Really?" Xavier asked

"Yup" I giggle

"So you're going to school like that" Zander asked in a 'your kidding me right?' tone

"Yes, why?" I asked, confused

Zander and Hunter looked at eachother so did max and Xavier

"Is there a problem?" I ask still confused

"No, no problem at all" Hunter said, assuring me

"You guys are silly" I laugh before going to the fridge and got a juice box and cupcake for myself

Silly boys


I quickly jumbled out of the car that contained four arguing boys

They were bickering for so long they didn't even notice me leave

I went into the school and jogged to my locker to get my books

I noticed a few glances from the guys that were on the hallway and some glares from a couple of girls as I walked down the hallway

I went to my locker and unlocked the pad lock feeling eyes burning the back of my head

"Freya?" I turned back and saw Mason with wide eyes beside Cole who's jaw was practically on the floor

"Why does everyone keep looking at me like that?" I asked

"You look-" Mason began

"Beautiful!" Cole cut him off

I blushed looking down

"Thanks you guys but I have to go, I have class" I said shutting my locker door

"Yeah, me too, bye" Cole said as I waved him away

"Before you leave I want to give you this" Mason gave me a black card that said 'party tomorrow night, be there or be a loser' then there was an address at the end of it

"You should come" He said

"I don't know...." I trail

"C'mon it'll be fun plus I'll be there with you so nothing bad will happen" Mason pouted

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