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I was excited yet nervous. I've NEVER been on a real date before

I mean when brad and I used to go out he'd only take me to a boring movie about aliens and explosions or take me to a super smelly gym to watch him work out

I'm just hoping he takes me somewhere nice and quite, where we can be alone and make have our first kiss

It's funny how I don't even realize he's my mom's boyfriend's son. Funny

I wore light green tank top and bark blue jeans an laced flats. I decided to wear an owl necklace I stole it from my bff Mali back in Australia so I'd never forget her

We haven't really spoken that much but I still miss her

I hear a knock at my door as I put it around my neck

"Come in" I said. I went over to my bed and grabbed my phone and purse then I felt arms around my waist, making me jump a little

"Relax, it's just me" His deep voice chuckled over my shoulder

I let out a breathe of relief. I thought it was some crazy sociopaths that broke into my room

"Did I scare you?" He asked, fanning his warm breathe against my neck making me shiver

"A little" I laugh as he spun me to face him

I looked into his bluish green eyes and got a warm tingly sensation of ecstasy, bubbling in my stomach

We were now inches away from each other, so close I could feel his warm breathe against my cold skin

"You look beautiful" he whispered

"Thanks" I blush

"Ready to go?" He asked and I just nod

We snuck out of the house and took Zander's car which was a dark grey convertible. I on the other hand has never been in one so once he let the roof down I felt like I was on a cloud

The wind was blowing, into my lungs, through my hair, hitting my face and I had never felt so alive and free

"Oh my God, I love your car" I breathe

He laughed looking at me enjoying the cold air at night

I sat back into my seat and looked at the darker haired boy, driving next to me

"So, where are we going?" I ask

He smiled "it's a surprise"

"Can I have a hint?"

"Okay. How good is your swimming?" He chuckled

"We're going swimming? At night?. Wow you're so bad" I giggle, the last part being more of a whisper but he still heard me

My phone started to vibrate in my lap. I pulled it out and saw that i got a text from an unknown number. That's odd who could it be?

I decided to read it

Hears a riddle so u can think
Get it right and u will win

I was completely lost. Was this a joke or something?

Two little brown eyes, all alone
If she's dead no one will know
What she did can never be forgiven
But her motive still has her driven
But she's locked away, under my spell
Who the eyes belong to can u tell?

There was some picture of Sidney but it was taken from a far distance. Okay now I'm a little scared.

The truth will soon be exposed
And. ur friend will be roast

The hell?. I decided to text back

Who are you?

Ask no queries
My identity varies

How did u get my number?

Just know I have my source
Be careful or be you'll scorched,

I'm officially freaked out. And why is this freak speaking in riddles

Don't ever text me again and if u know what's good for u stay away from me creep

After I sent it i waited to see if this anonymous person would reply so I just waited

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me scream and throw my phone out of the car

"Whoa. What's wrong?" Zander who was now out of the car in front of my door asked me with a concerned look

I didn't even realize the car was now parked in the woods

"Sorry, I was just a little frightened" I kinda laugh as he opened the door for me

"Oh" was all he said as I hoped out and picked up my now cracked phone

God. I just got the back bedazzled and customized. How will I even afford a new one. Ugh. The struggle life

I kept it in my pocket and looked at Zande questioning why we were in the woods late at night

"You're not gonna kill me and bury my body somewhere are you?" I ask/laugh

"No" he chuckled, taking my hand in his

"Close your eyes" he said


"For once stop asking and start trusting" he said

I smiled then closed met eyes. He started to guide me through the forest, holding my hand

"When you asked me how good my swimming was-"

"No talking until we get there" he laughed


It felt like we were walking for about three minutes then we finally stopped and i let go of his hand even though i honestly didn't want to

"Don't move" he whispered in my ear and I bit my lip

I was just standing there with my eyes closed. I heard a couple of branches snap under his boots then finally it went quite

"You still there?" I asked

"Yup, still hear" he said from a far distance

"Okay open your eyes" he ordered

I slowly opened my eyes and was taken aback. I gasped as id the wind was smacked right out of my lungs. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I felt like i was going to cry

"Freya, will you...."

Oooh cliffhanger am I rii?
What do you think he's gonna ask her
Find out into the next crappie


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