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Anonymous POV

After I thanked Elena, Rob and his son's for letting me stay over they directed me towards Freya's room and i ran off

I was so excited to finally see her. I travelled almost halfway around the world to see her. It's been such a long time and i can't wait

I swung open a random door that I came across and tailored into the room silent as a church rat

I saw her and guy sleeping together. Good one Freya, props to the master

Immediately I thought I should leave and wait for her to wake up cuz that would've been the sensible thing to do

But since when am I sensible!?

I went towards her side and knelt down in front of her. Wow she's gotten even prettier. Not that I'm jealous

"Freya" I cooked, tapping her nose

She shook her head and grumbled

"Freya" I whisper yelled. She just kept snoring like a hog

So i decided to sing a song she'd never ignore no matter what

"I see the Angel in you Ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Even when that say you're a fool ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Please don't let me go oh oh, oh oh
Put me into your hold oh oh, oh oh
Tell me-"

"You'll never let me go
Say that I'm all you want
Don't let them tear us apart
Cuz your still in my heart" she continued the song, in her sleepy state

Her eyes slowly open and she got up in shock

"Oh my god!" She screamed, waking the boy next to her

I opened my arms for a big hug

"MALI!!!!!!" She screamed

Haha bet y'all thought it was Trent or Cyrus rii. Hmm
Naw it's Mali her buff from Australia

Hee hee naughty me


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