Chapter 10

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I hit the top of the alarm clock so it would shutup. Unwillingly, I swing my feet over my bed while taking off the covers. I had set an alarm at 5 am so I could shower and get ready before going to work. I had to get there by 6:30am and I would take the morning shift untill 12pm. Later I would have to go to a therapist appointment at 1 pm.I wasn't really happy about going, but I was excited about maybe remembering something.

I sat up on my bed and looked around. In front of me was a flat screen TV on the wall, which I hadn't turned on at all and a small desk under it. The room was very big. It has its own bathroom and walk in closet.

I got up and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped of my clothes. I stepped into the shower and let the water run down , refreshing me. I got out and put my hair up in a towel. I walked over to the closet and picked out some skinny jeans with a blue tank top. I then towel dried my hair and put it up into a high ponytail.

I stepped out of my room and saw Tyler's door slightly open. I took a peak in and saw him laying on his bed sound asleep. He looked so cute. I let a grin take over my face and I start to walk down the hallway. I ate a banana and took an apple for the way. I grab the keys to a car Tyler got me yesterday. I told him I didn't need it but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He said that since we lived all the way down here it would take time to drive to my job and it would take to long for a taxi to come and he needed his car to go to work which didn't start untill 10.

He hadn't said were he worked but I hadn't asked. I guess I'll have to ask him when I see him.

The ride to McDonald's took 45 minutes but I was listening to music the whole way.

I don't know how I know how to drive but I just do. Tyler had given me my license and apparently my name was ' Teresa Evens', Age 18, born March 15 1995, and surprisingly I had gotten them in Miami, Florida. I asked Tyler why I had gotten them there and he said I use to live there.

I finally got to McDonald's and I stepped out of my car ,which was white.

I came in and saw a girl cleaning the tables.

"Hi" I said walking closer to her.

She lifted her head from the table she was wipping.

"Hey" she squealed with a big smile on her face.

"Your the new girl right!?, we haven't had someone new a in a long time, I'm so excited! I can already tell we'll be awesome friends!" she said taking me into a hug.

I couldn't help but smile at her words. I didn't even know her and she was hugging me. It was funny.

" Oh you must think I'm some weirdo, but I'm not! I'm Crystal, you are?" she asked letting go of me.

"Teresa" I tell her setting my bag down.

"Aww you names so pretty!" she says clapping her hands together.

"Thanks yours too" I say giving her a smile.

She smiles back before she walks foward and garbs my arm.

"Thanks, Well now that your working with us you should meet everyone here."

"Ok" is all I say and she pulls me towards the back.

"Hey you guys come meet Teresa, she's the new girl!" Crystal yells.

Instantly 5 other people come through the door. Two of them (A man and a women) look around there 50's or 60's and three of them (2 guys and 1 girl) look around my age.

"Well hello there sweetheart" says the lady extending her hand to me. I reach out and shake it.

"Hi, I'm Teresa" I say speaking to all of them.

"Jeffrey, but people call me Jeff" the older man said extending his arm for me to shake and I did.

" Bettie" says the old woman.

"Zeke" said one of the boys. He was blond

whether the other one hand black hair.

"Trenton, but I go by Trent." the other boy said smirking at me.

"And I'm Abby " said the girl with red hair, unlike Crystal who had dirty blond hair.

"Well its really nice to meet all of you!" I said smiling at them. They all looked very nice.

"Well let's get working because a lot of people come here for breakfast. " said Crystal clapping her hands together.

I took in a deep breath.

" Ok were do I start?"


~Heyy you guys! I was really busy today but I wanted to update as a little 4th of July present!!!.

I know right now its not very interesting , these are only filler chapters, but I need to add these because there leading up to some IMPORTANT AND EXCITING things.

Also I want to thank all those who are reading this and wish you all a HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! ~


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