Chapter 12

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I'm still crying when I feel a droplet fall from the sky. Great, now even the sky is pitying me! I can't seen to stop crying. Don't we have like a limited supply of water in us or something!

The rain was getting harder but I stayed frozen like a statue. I was scared that if I got up the pain would return. Did I really go through all that pain before? How did I live after it? Whatever had happened, it hurt me a lot . I wonder if Tyler knew what it was about.

I look down at myself. I'm soaked, totally soaked! But still I don't dare to move. I hear thunder. Then lighting finds its way in the sky too. I buried my head back in my knees agian and I don't know how much time passed after that. 10, 20, 30 minutes, even an 1 hour. I didn't know.

All I knew was that I was startled when someone put there hands under my arms to pick me up. Once I was standing they picked me up bridal style and started walking. I opened my eyes to see who it was but I had to turn my face so the rain wouldn't hit me directly in the eyes to blind me. Once I saw who it was I started twisting and turning but his grip was strong.

"Stop it or I'm dropping you on the cement" he said , his blue eyes sparkling.

I didn't really want to die just yet so I stopped.

"What are you doing here, how did you find me? I asked into his chest. I was kind of hanging on to him because I didn't want him to drop me. Wait I can walk! I instantly unrapped my arms. " You can drop me, I'm not injured or anything, I can walk!"

"Fine" is all he said before forcefully letting go making me fall to the ground on my butt. I let out a scream as I made contact with the hard, wet, and cold cement.O God I think I broke my tail bone.

" What the hell Brian, do you want to kill me!" I said attempting to get up. My butt hurt to much to walk and I was forced to sit back down.

" No, but know you DO need me to carry you, don't you" he said with a smirk plastered on his face. I wanted to slap it off of him so badly

" Maybe, but still what are you doing here?"I said stretching my arms out so he could carry me.

"Well" he said picking me up agian " I might of , sort offollowedyouhere"he said walking agian.

"Come agian" I asked , confusion written all over my face.

" Forget your head!" he said swiftly sitting me down in the car. He shut the door and walked to the drivers seat while I put my seatbelt on. As he opened the door I noticed I was in MY car.

"Where's your car?" I asked while he put his seatbelt on.

"Its parked somewhere, but don't worry, I'll come and get it later, for now I need your keys" he said opening his hand so I could place the keys in his palms. I had put them in my bag which was now soaking wet. I got out my keys and forcefully put them in his hands hoping it would hurt.

It was still pouring outside and I watched as the droplets fell down the window as Brian started the car. I turned to look at him. To really look at him. He was wearing a white shirt which was now soaking so you could clearly see right through it. He was wearing some jeans which stuck to his legs since he was wet.

Seeing him like this made me want to run my hands down his chest but that would be down right weird!

I decided to break the silence.

"You do know I can drive perfectly" I said scowling at him.

"Well taking in mind that your not ok I think it would be better that I drive , plus I want to see Tyler's face when he see's you with me" he said , his usual smirk back on his face. I playfully hit him and ignored the last part he said.

"I'm ok , I'm capable of steering a wheel. Only my butt hurts"

" Awww! would you like me to kiss it better?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my head to stare out the window.

" No really, Cupcake, why were you crying" he asked , his tone now serious.

OMG he saw me crying , what was I suppose to tell him. I couldn't just blab out everything, could I? " its nothing, really"

"Your hiding something from me. Jasmine didn't want to tell me because you made her promise not to tell. T, really what's wrong? Are you sick? why do you have to come to a therapist? "

I was getting irritated.

"Its none of business! "

"Ok ok I'm sorry if I care" he said a bit of anger in his voice.

"No, Its just.... I'm sorry Brian" I said letting out a deep sigh.

"Its ok, I'm sorry for being so pushy, if your not ready to tell me its ok, I'll respect that"

I smiled to myself as I turned to the window agian. Maybe I should get to know Brian better because lately he was surprising me.


♡♥Hey! So what do you think? I know its short but something big is about to happen! I promise!! Also what do you guys think about Brian? Do you think he can get to Teresa?

Last thing. I started a new book called "Love Doesn't Exist". You guys should cheak it out. Please comment and Vote! Luv you guys! !♥♡

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