Chapter 5

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We quickly came out of our flight and my brother was asleep. My mother was carrying him while I carried the bags. My grandparents came to pick us up I greeted them and stayed silence for the rest of the time. I still couldn't believe I left everything. How did this even happen? Who am I even going to hang out with? Is there a purpose why I'm here? All these questions surrounded my head.
Chris finally woke up but terrified to be in a strange room. Yeah we have visited our grandparents but we always stayed in a hotel. My dad never told us why but I'm guessing it's one of the reasons why were here and he's over there.

"Shhhh there Chris it's going to be okay. We're at grandpa and grandmas house!"

"That doesn't seem so exciting when dad isn't here Lo"

"I know buddy but maybe there's a reason why we're here!"

"The only reason why we're here is because of mom"

"Cmon kid lets go downstairs"

A hard summer went by too quickly. I was about to start a new school year in a new high school and worse it's my senior year. It isn't the best way to get a hold of your only senior year in high school but the faster I start the faster I finish.

I walked in the halls and got quite a few looks. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a white polo shirt. School uniforms will be the death of me.

I suddenly walked into my first class, physics. Everyone was talking to each other and laughing at God knows what. I took out my phone as if I had someone to talk too.

"Is this seat taken?"
"Hey green eyes, I said if this seat was taken?"
"Umm no sit."

She looked away quickly and sat next to me. She was wearing the same thing as I was but with a leather jacket. I'm pretty sure that wasn't on the schools dress code.

"Ummm hi I'm Lauren"
"Hey. Camila"

I stared at her face. She had the most beautiful jaw structure and was hiding it with her hair. She had three piercings I her left ear and I'm guessing the same for the right. I looked at eyes, well the side of them. They were an amazing brown color made by the gods.

"Ummm excuse me Lauren? Is there something fucking wrong with my face?"

"No I uhh no nothing's wrong you're perfectly fine and amazingly beautiful. Gosh I'm sorry I ..."

"It's ight just don't let anyone see you talking to me. I doubt you would want to be known for being the girl who talks to sweet old Camila" she said while rolling her eyes

"Sorry what?"

"Okay class today is our first day welcome the old and welcome the new. Everyone is going to be treated the same no exceptions, unless your my wife than there's an exception haha"

"Gross" Camila mumbled which made me laugh a little, maybe a lot. She looked at me and gave me a smile.

The class ended quickly and I hoped for Camila to be in my class for math. I didn't see any signs of the mysterious rebel. The class seemed so wrong and noticed a boy looking at me. I was kinda freaked out but I have no friends so I'm going to go on with it and gave him a smile . He smiled back and class continued .

"Hey umm I couldn't help notice your wow so beautiful. I'm Brad. Bradley Simpson football star of the team. Who may you be?"

"I'm uhh Lauren. Lauren Jauregui star at having no friends it being the first day I'm at this school in a new state, but I'm cool."

"Sorry to hear that but you will like it here. What's your next class? I have English AP"

"I also have that let's go"

Brad continued to tell me how he has been playing the sport since he was 10 and is in a band. He doesn't see them going far but it was just a side thing. He kept blabbing his mouth about himself when I see the mysterious rebel walk in. There was a empty seat next to me, mind the only one available which made me extremely happy for some reason.

"We meet again"
"Are you sure you're not stalking me Lauren? My you have a friend"
"Hi I'm Brad you must be new her too"
" You're kidding right? We've gone to school together since like the first grade"
"Oh wow I'm sorry you know being in and playing football is really distracting "
"Yeah also being such a total douche is yet here you still are"

I giggled at Camila's comment and earned yet another smile from her. She fixed herself up as the class started. She took out a pencil and paper. I expected her to take notes but all she was doing was doodling.

"Hate to break it to you Camila but this isn't art class"

"Leave me alone. You shouldn't hang out with him you know."

"Oh wow no I haven't had feeling for shut ever trust me."

Her eyes widened open and smiled. She pointed at her drawing at it was a sun and moon. She drew them as if they were kissing each other.

" I'm so getting this tattooed with my future love"

"Lucky person may i add. I like the drawing"


I walked home from school and saw Camila alone sitting in an alley. I didn't see clearly what she was doing but I went up to greet her. The closer I got I began to see smoke coming from her side and music playing out loud.

" You know those are bad for you right"

"You know stalking isn't the most ideal thing to be known for you know"

"Oh Camila no one knows me"

"Brad sure does"

"Brad? Oh no Camila he is just a friend not even just a guy I met today.

"So I'm just a girl you met too?"

"No I actually like talking to you. All he does is talk about his band and football. The only "football" I approve is futbol as in soccer"

" Gosh Lauren so charming aren't you"

" I believe so haha. You aren't going home?"

"I'm just waiting for my cousins to pick me up from this dump"

" I wish I had some cousins who would come pick me up from here"

"Wait you just randomly moved here with your family?"

"No it's a long story, maybe if you "become" my friend I will tell you"

"Alrighty Lauren see you later they just texted me they were in back of the school"

"Oh ok... Bye"


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