Chapter 10

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"Wait Lo you honestly think I should go inside? I mean I'm not in the best attire."

She wore a white v neck t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black converse. She looked amazing. As I inspected her outfit she was smirking.

"Oh Lauren if you're going to check me out you have to do it sneaky. It makes it hotter"

I laughed nervously and got out of the car.

"On the count of three we enter and go as quietly as possible to my room and quickly got it."

"Damn Lauren not even a introduction to your mom?"

I hit her playfully and opened the door. I rushed into my room. Lauren held my hand and when I walk in I see her.


"Lauren! I've missed you so much!!"

She grabbed me which causes Camila to let go of my hand. Camila crossed her arms and looked intensely at Normani. She looked furious since I told her my problems I had with her lately.

"Mani? What are you doing here?"

"Well to visit you silly! How have you been?"

"Uh good I gu.."

"Now who's this? Let me introduce myself I'm Normani"

She extended her hand and got a hold of Camila's who knows how. She faked smiled and let go of Normani's hand quickly.

"Camila. And I should probably leave Lo."

"NO! Uh I mean stay. Please."

Camila looked at my eyes and probably noticed the pain in them. She nodded and I smiled.

"How long are you staying Mani?"

"Damn just saw you and you're already kicking me out? I'm joking. For two days. Well the rest of today and tomorrow my flights at 5pm."

"Oh cool. Uh Camila and I were about to do some homework. I'm not sure if you want to stay during this. It's Pre-Cal it's a nightmare."

"I did not fly here for nothing. I'm staying plus I wanna see how you are"

"Well I'm fine thanks for asking."

Camila giggled at the sight at Normani's facial expression. She seemed so offended.

"I think I should just go help your mom cook dinner."

"Okay can you tell her I'm here with a friend before she freaks out"

Normani nodded and closed the door. Camila looked at me as I tried to work on the problem.

"You know Camila, working on this problem is hard enough. I don't need someone staring at me."

"It's just that.. How can you talk to her? She's been all MIA on ya and you act as if nothing happened."

"Sometimes you just have to play the bigger hand Camz. She'll leave by tomorrow at 3 since you have to be all early at the airport and stuff. Then it's just you and I."

Camila smiled at the thought. She realized that Lauren had a beautiful mind and face. She thought how can anyone mistreat her?


"Yes Cabello?"

"I think I should leave now. I'm uh.."

"What Camila?"

"I'm nervous gosh. I suck at meeting friends parents"

Friends. Ouch

"Don't you worry Lo! My mom can be a pain but when Normani's around she's changes completely!"

Camila looked at her hands and played with her nails. She was in complete Nervous Mode. I grabbed her hand and told her

"Everything will be fine. Trust me"

We got up and I saw Chris sleeping in the couch while his program was on. I turned it off and overheard my mom talking to Normani.

"Look Ms.Jauregui..  im sorry but you have to accept Lauren for who she is. I won't stand her own mother for doing that. Who cares if she likes chicks. Wouldn't you rather be happy with a girl than with a guy that mistreats her?"

Lauren held Camila's hand firmly. She felt Normani hitting a iffy subject. She wiped a tear. Normani actually defending her after what she did. Lauren felt like a fool for speaking wrong of her.

"Hey mom! I hope you don't mind another guest. This is Camila."

"Hello .."

"Why hello there! You seem like an Intresting character."


"What! Go get your brother dinner is ready."

We ate and talked. Camila seemed to be getting along with my brother quickly . She talked about soccer and the newest video game. It made me happy that everyone I cared for was happy. That's when I remembered about my dad.

"Uh mani?"

"Yeah Lo"

"Have you seen my dad after us moving?"

"No I haven't I'm sorry."

"No it's fine. I'm done. Imma head upstairs."

"Yeah I should be leaving. Thank you for this amazing dinner Ms."

"No problem Lauren. Next time call me Sinu"

"Sure thing! Nice meeting you Normani. Hopefully I can say goodbye tomorrow before you leave but I have a tight schedule. "

"No problem nice meeting you too."

I walked Camila out and she grabbed my waist and tilted her head closer to mine and smirked.


"I'll see you soon Lo."

She let go and walked to her car. I noticed that she had a sticker behind her car. C&H'74.

What the fuck does that mean?

"So Camila huh."
"What are talking about Mani?"
I said as we walked to my room."

"You know exactly what I mean. I see how you look at her. And hell how she looks at you!"

"Stop it Mani we're just friends."

"Sure thing Lo you say that"

"I'm sorry Mani but I can't help it why haven't you been calling me? Responding to my texts ? Calls? I thought you were my friend!"

"What the hell are you talking about? I haven't gotten a single text from you! I tried to call you but it said you changed your number!"

"Stop fucking with me Normani. I saw your Instagram you had a A and a BFF post. Just because I move I automatically have to not be your best friend?"

"You're being dramatic Lauren! It was nothing! She's the new girl and I felt bad for her. I just wanted to make her feel welcome. But thanks for thinking that low of me. Oh and also thanks for lying and saying that your mom accepted you for being bi"

"I said I told her I never said she agreed with me"

"Listen I just disrespected your mom to defend you! Worse even I used profanity t the least you can do is not he mad at me for helping a new girl in school. Gosh what has happened to you Lo?"

"No nothing. I'm sorry Mani."

"It's good. Now about your phone why the fuck does it say number not available?"

I checked my setting and noticed my number was in fact different. I raged with anger and thought about how could my mom change my number. This is why my dad hasn't been calling me. My mom changed my fucking number.

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