Chapter 7

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I couldn't stop thinking about Camila. Her long hair. Her jawline. Those lips. That perfect way she let out the smoke she had just inhaled. I wouldn't ever have a chance. We come from two completely different worlds.

I was far too much different from her and plus she doesn't even like me for starters. I got up from my bed and got ready for school. I checked social media and noticed Normani with some new friends. Why didn't she tell she started hanging out with other people? Is that an arm around her. A guys arm?!?

I decided to call her but got no answer. I sighed but when downstairs remembering the time zone is different. She's probably still asleep. I saw my brother coughing up a storm and my mother worried as ever.

"Lauren, I don't think I can take you too school today sweetheart. Can you get a ride from someone?"

"Mom I barely got there I don't know people."

"Just ask Nor.. Oh right then hurry along its quite a walk."

"Yeah sure. What's wrong with Chris?"

" I'm not sure but I'm taking the day off and going to the doctor. After school you come directly to the house okay?"

"Yeah mom. Bye" I said as I headed out the door.

"Make some friends!"

I ignored that comment and put in my headphones. I put the music on shuffle. I've been listening to a lot of The 1975 lately and it's been helping me quite a lot.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to school,since I was speed walking. I entered the classroom and noticed that Camila was the first one to be inside. She was wearing a The 1975 shirt. It was black and had their iconic rectangle standing up one. I sat next to her and she smirked. I smiled back and felt like I got very red.

I felt Camila look at me once or twice. I felt my body heating up and her eyes locked with mine. Once again she smirked and I quickly looked away. This is not happening. She is too far off your league Lauren. The class ended and I left quickly.

I went to the next class and Brad was there. He looked at me and smiled. I nodded but did not feel the same way as I did with Camila. Sadly this class she wasn't here.

The day seemed so long and it was finally lunch time. I went into the cafeteria and got myself a banana. I was not all that hungry. I sat down and looked at my phone and noticed that Normani had left me on read. I tried to ignore it but she's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I decided to call her but yet no answer. She was probably in class I thought to myself. I looked on Instagram and noticed her bio had changed. She had a heart emoji and a A next to it. I didn't put much attention to except for the fact she was my best friend. I felt a tear coming out of nudge but quickly wiped it off. I didn't need anyone seeing me cry.

The bell finally rang and I headed to my last class of the day. I had math which I dreaded. I didn't see much of a point to it when the teacher didn't even seem to be excited to teach the class.

The whole class I dozed of and couldn't get Camila out of my mind or the fact that Normani had still not responded to my texts. It always seemed as I was the one who always got hurt.

After a long day the dismissal bell rang and I walked out of the school. I took my time to walk home. As I was, I heard a honk from a car. I didn't dare look until I noticed it was Camila. She parked and kept calling me.

"Lauren! Yo Lauren stop ignoring me. I'll follow you all the way home and then you won't get me off your hair."

"What do you want Camila?"

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