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"I have something to confess." I say and take a deep breath. "Gerard and I might've lied. I'm the father that can get pregnant, and Patrick happens to be the father. I appreciate it, Gee, but it's time I fess up."

Brendon rolls his eyes, and Ray laughs. Gerard smiles at me. Joe just nods. "We all knew, you doofus." Ray says. "It was really just a matter of time before you told us."

"How'd you know?" I ask, completely bewildered. Patrick snorts from beside me.

"First of all, if anyone in this room is a bottom, it's you." Patrick says, and then he covers his mouth and looks at his shoes. Everyone laughs, though, including me.

"Second, we've all seen you shirtless, therefore, we've seen scars in unexplainable places." Brendon continues. I roll my eyes at my friends and their boyfriends.

"So, who here doesn't have a boyfriend?" Joe asks, changing the subject away from me, to which I am grateful.

The only two guys that raise their hands are Ray and I. Patrick puts my hand down for me. "I'm working on it." He says, and I blush profusely.

"That leaves Ray. I have a friend, but you'd have to ask Gerard if you dating him was okay." Brendon says. Gerard's eyebrows furrow, and then he realises what Brendon's talking about.

"Hell no. You are not dating my brother." He says immediately.

"Chill, Gerard, he doesn't even know the guy. You should let them, like, go on a blind date or something." Joe suggests. Gerard grits his teeth. He walks over to Ray, picking him up by his shirt.

"If you fuck my brother and dump him, I'll beat your ass." Gerard threatens, and Ray nods, so Gerard drops him.

"A lot of shit can change in a week." I observe, and everyone nods. Brendon laughs, and everyone turns to him.

"I was just laughing at the fact that Joe and Pete were totally fucking last week, and now they are both getting fucked." Brendon says. Everyone laughs except for me, because I blush.

Patrick squeezes one of my cheeks, leaning in to whisper, "You're so fucking cute," in my ear. If it's possible, I blush redder. "I really, really want to kiss you, but there's a lot of people around, and I'm not even sure if you'd want me to."

I find myself saying, "I really, really want you to." before I even realise it. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto Joe's deck in his backyard. No one notices since there are so many people in there.

He walks over to the side railing and lifts me onto it, standing in between my legs. "I don't understand what you do to me." Patrick mumbles as he kisses me gently. "I have morals. No fucking with patients. No fucking exes. But you seem to break the fuck out of both of those."

"Patrick." I moan out when he starts to move down my neck. My hands go to his hair, pulling roughly to pull him back up to me.

"I.. love you so fucking much. I always have, shit. Since before the party. Since before you had Bronx. Since before you had a damn clue of who I was. Before you called me 'little boy' and 'kid'. I remember being so pissed about that. I was like 'I'm going to fuck him so hard because of that, just wait,' and I fucking did." Patrick rushes out in between kisses.

Before I can respond, the light is turned on, and Ray is stepping out, cigarette pack in hand. He drops it when he sees Patrick and I.

"I'm sorry, guys." He blurts out. After picking his pack up, he runs back inside. Patrick laughs slowly into my neck, making me shiver from the vibrations of his throat.

"You're gorgeous." I say suddenly. Patrick's eyebrows raise, a smirk on his face. "Don't give me that look, you're really fucking hot."

He doesn't answer, just pulls me in again, fingers slipping under the hem of my t-shirt to have his whole hand pool at my lower back. Long fingers (that he's probably really good with) splaying across my back.

"Date me." He says, and I know it's not a question. "I want you to skip out writing your book and sneak in while I'm on breaks just so we can make out. I want to come home to cuddle with you after a hard day. Speaking of hard, I want to fuck you so hard you can't walk. I want to bring you breakfast in bed after a night in. I want to be the one that makes you smile. I want to care for you when you're sick. I want to raise Delcan and Bronx with you." He finishes. My mouth is wide open as I nod slowly. "I promise, you won't regret me and you, babe, okay? I'm not fucking this up again."

"Okay." I say. There's a chorus of 'aww's as the sliding door opens to reveal all of our friends standing there.

"That was really cute. You know, besides the whole, 'wanna fuck you so you can't walk' thing." Brendon says. He turns to Dallon. "I want to be like them."

"Shh, baby, we're a side ship. We'll be lucky to make it into the sequel." Dallon says, quieting his boyfriend.

I am blushing really bad by now, and Patrick is smirking at me. Joe rolls his eyes from beside Andy and Ray.

"Go home. I don't want you two fucking on my lawn. The kids can stay here if you guys really want a night in." Joe offers. Patrick looks to me before shaking his head.

"You know? I think Pete and I are just gonna figure out what the fuck all of this is tonight. Maybe we'll take you up on that offer tomorrow or sometime." Patrick answers for me. "We'll take Ruby, if you guys want some time." Patrick says.

Joe looks to Andy, who smirks and wraps his arms around the former from behind. Joe gulps visibly, nodding.

"That'd be great." He croaks out. Everyone laughs.

We leave with three tired teenagers in the back a few minutes later. Patrick kisses me softly when we're lying in the bed before turning on his (shirtless, flawless) stomach, throwing an arm over me, and basically lying half on top of me.

// whoops this is a month late

single dad's club (peterick/trohley/brallon/rikey/frerard)Where stories live. Discover now