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  I stared at the large pool. It seemed bottomless, crystal, fresh...dangerous. I've never swam in my life before. The tub at home isn't big enough to swim and my aunt has never taken us. Very few people have houses with a pool-and even so they rarely use it. Currently I will be using the pool at California University. Why you might ask? That is a wonderful question since I am not old enough to attend college. The answer is in one word-or rather one name: Oliver. Somehow he was able to convince my aunt and uncle, that swimming would be a great therapy for my leg, something called 'Aquatic therapy'. How he was able to accomplish this I have no idea. But it seems that a great deal of people trust Oliver. I was with Anya and she told me that he was adopted by a very rich family-his parents had been killed (by Invalids) in a rally. He is also paired with Mary Cane, the major's third daughter. He's the best in his class, always follows the rules and simply put he is a perfect role model. I look at Anya and Jane, both are taking a nap since they already swam for a while and Oliver went to go change into his swim wear. I stared at the water temptingly....i wanted to touch it-but if I fall in no one will save me. I wonder....how does it feel to drown?
"Are you ready?" Oliver's voice broke my train of thought.
"Yes I'm ready."
He clapped "Let's do it then!"
Before I could say anything he jumped into the water to splash me. I laughed as the water hit me.
"Come on then!"
I slowly made my way down the steps, into the water. I felt chills run down my spine. The water is fresh, cool. I shiver as I make my way to him. My weight is heavier under water but I feel lighter at the same time, like magic.
"Are you cold?"
"W-what m-makes you s-s-a-ay that?"
"You're shiver like mad, and your lips are slightly purple."
I cover my lips with my hand, as if I could see them this way.
"Oh" I mumble simply
"Andy just hold your breath and dunk your head into the water, your body will get use to the temperature faster this way."
My eyes widened "I'll drown!"
He gave me one of his wiry smiles "No you won't, just in and out."
I run my wet, cold hands through my hair and give him one last worried glance before sucking as much air as possible and submerging my head into the water. At first it was freezing cold, but slowly the icy sting of the water dulled. It was only fresh.
3rd point of view
Oliver watched closely as Andy's head came out of the water, an almost unnoticeable sigh of relief escaping his lips. Andy gasped for air and laughed lightly.
"What's so funny?" asked Oliver a smile threatening to appear on his own lips
"I didn't drown!" she exclaimed
"I toooold you. Now we need to start, the sun isn't going to be out forever."
"Right, what do I do?" Andy asked enthusiastically.
"To just start you off, I'm going to have you walk."
Andy frowned "Walk?"
"I've seen you walk, you still limp. In the water the gravity isn't the same, you're lighter."
Andy nodded slowly "I noticed that."
~After 5 minutes of walking~
"Now what?" Andy asked
"Now grab on to the edge like this" he moved to the edge, facing it, and grabbing it with both hands
"Like this?" Andy asked doing the same
"Yep, now lift your left leg to the right and then back to the side of your other leg. Do this slowly and steadily."
Andy copied his instructions before looking up at him for approval "Is that good?"
"Perfect. How does it feel?"
"It hurts a bit...but it kind feels good."
~After leg stretching~
"Are we done?" Andy asked tiredly
"I have one more, then we can have fun."
"What is it?"
Oliver smiled "I call it: The way I met you."
"That's an odd name..."
"Well professionally it's called the 'bicycle' but I like my name better."
Andy snorted "Wow, real funny Oliver."
"I know I am. But enough about how hilariously awesome I am-lets get to ridding an imaginary bicycle in the pool."
Andy giggled slightly "That is the single most oddest sentence I have ever heard."
"But it made you smile" Oliver pointed out
"Yes it did" Andy answered tugging some of her hair behind her ear
"Then it as worth it."
"Cause it made me smile?"
"You're smile is amazing, it's worth anything."  

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