Ch 11: Heartbreak Hotel

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Chapter Eleven: Heartbreak Hotel

Kevin blinked as he wondered exactly when he could catch a break, or more exactly when all hell, would quit breaking freaking loose, dammit he needed a break. Focusing back on the present he just barely managed to dodge the projectile aimed at his head.

Sigh.... Here we go again...

"When you say an impromptu Bachelor Party what the hell does that mean?!!"

Kevin winced, "Now, now, now Alexis sweetie, come now, Calm down", he raised both hands in a gesture of peace.

Alexis growled and picked up the nearest object and threw it at his head, "You want me to calm down?" she hissed, "I'll give you calm", she picked up another object and chucked it at him.

Kevin ducked, as the pottery vase hit the wall and smashed to bits.

"You liar!" she shrieked.

"Hey now, I didn't lie!" he protested.

"You went to Atlantic City for a Bachelor party?!!! You and my dad and Esposito! And you didn't think for one second you could have told them that you and Jenny were done?! Or that her brothers weren't actually your best men?!!!" she growled angrily, and picked up another one of James' random trinkets and threw it at his head, again.

Kevin ducked behind the sofa, "Sweetie", he urged, "I really haven't done anything wrong", he stated.

James hissed and even Fatima usually level headed, face palmed.

"What?" he asked them.

"How are you this intelligent, and yet so stupid at the same time?" Trace wondered idly, even as he collected the fallen vase fragments in a dustpan.

"I Hate You!!!" Alexis screamed—unreasonably mind you—and stalked off.

Kevin faltered, "What?" he asked.

Alexis paused mid-flight, "I love you Kevin, I really, really do", she murmured with her back to him, "But When you say you celebrated your pre-wedding moments in regard to Jenny", she turned and a tear fell, "You damn near broke my heart, and I will not give you the satisfaction to see me break", she hissed at the end and walked off.

Kevin barely paused as he ran after her, "Hey no, hang on just one second", he moved in front of her, "I know it was stupid", he agreed, "I know, I know", he repeated, "I'm just selfish Em—Alexis", he urged.

"Selfish?" she asked now wary.


Alexis glared, "What?" she asked.

"Nothing. It's nothing", Kevin shook his head, "I am sorry though", he whispered.

"No Kevin, tell me what you wanted to say", she argued, "What words of profound depth were you going to share, tell me..."

"Let it go Alexis, I told you it was nothing", his eyes crossed to James, only to look away guiltily.

James moved back just an inch, and maybe Alexis didn't catch the move but she raged on regardless, "NO! I want to know, what you are hiding now?" she hissed.

"I literally hate sharing you with anyone!" he confessed abruptly.

Well he yelled really, his voice seemed to ricochet off the walls.

Before pausing and sighing, "Well in for a penny in for a pound", he sighed and faced her head on, "I'm inexplicably jealous of Aaliya and Fatima, I loathe Kabir despite him now following Sam like a puppy, I can't stand the bro-hood thing you have with Trace and I despite my promise to James and my sisters absolutely hate having them spend time with you!" he listed, "And I know its remarkably selfish of me! Are you kidding? It's the worst thing ever, and I hate it, I hate myself. But Baby, we both know, us a thing as we are, it's no sane logical step. We didn't meet at a party, my colleagues didn't introduce me to you, Javi didn't set me up with you, this", he stepped closer indicating between them, "was not a blind date, but it's blindsided everything around me", he whispered.

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