Chapter three

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Yrsa stood firmly next to Gandalf, eyes scanning around the hobbit hole stopping at the lone dwarf who had just entered

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Yrsa stood firmly next to Gandalf, eyes scanning around the hobbit hole stopping at the lone dwarf who had just entered. So this must be Thorin Oakenshield, she thought. Her eyes roamed the dwarf from top to bottom. Examining him, his attire, his height, his weapons, everything. His attire seemed rather regal compared to the others. She frowned, not liking the dwarf before her, or any dwarf for a matter of fact. It was silent all that was heard was heavy breathing coming from the dwarves and the light sound of Yrsa tapping her foot impatiently until the dwarf king spoke.

"Gandalf, I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way. Twice." Oakenshield stated eyeing out the wizard, the company remained silent, except Yrsa who had found it comedic that the 'great and mighty' Thorin Oakenshield had lost his way twice, and was snickering next to Gandalf. But then again, she didn't find the hobbit hole straight away either.

Oakenshield turned to her, "Do you find this funny?" He snapped, Unpleased that someone would disrespect him.

"Hilarious." Yrsa spat back, as soon as those words came out of her mouth Gandalf put his hand in front of her, partly to shield her, partly to shield Thorin and the others, as he was afraid that one would say something of offence and she would begin to attempt to murder the dwarves. As Gandalf put his hand up, The dwarves all stared at her, wide-eyed and most with their mouths agape, due to someone disrespecting their King.

Scowling, then turning back to Gandalf, the Dwarf King continued his dialogue; "I would not have found it at all if it wasn't for the mark on the door."

"Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago" The hobbit stepped in looking panicked and stressed, as Yrsa had seen him all night.

"There is a mark, I put it there myself." Gandalf stepped in trying to 'calm' the hobbit, "Bilbo Baggins let me introduce you to the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."

And in that very moment, Yrsa wanted to hang herself. Was she really considering joining Oakenshiled and his company of idiots on a suicide quest to reclaim a mountain from a dragon?

"So," the dwarf King started, stepping forward towards the halfling. "This is the hobbit? Tell me, Mister Baggins, have you done much fighting?"

"Pardon me?" Stammered the hobbit.

"Axe or sword?" Oakenshield continued, circling the hobbit the way a predator would do to its prey. "As your weapon of choice." He finished.

"Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know... But I fail to see, why that's relevant.." The hobbit replied trying to sound unfazed by the dwarf before him.

"Thought as much," Oakenshield concluded as he folded his arms. He then turned to his fellow dwarves who all stood behind him, "He looks more of a grocer than a burglar."

At that single statement, the entire company of dwarves burst out laughing at the little Hobbit, who seemed completely embarrassed at that. Yrsa found herself slightly agreeing with Oakenshields statement about the Hobbit. He would never survive outside the borders of the Shire. After all, he did look like a good chew-toy for her warg.

"And you," Oakenshield turned to her once the laughter died down. "What makes you think I would let a woman join my company, you have no place among us. Someone as frail as you would get killed the moment they step out the door. I suggest you return to your husband before he comes looking for you."

Yrsa rolled her eyes, trying not to allow his comment to anger her.  "You are right," she began making eye contact with Thorin, "A woman has no place amongst the likes of you and your company. Honestly, I would return your insult if you were half my height."

"Yrsa" said the wizard in a warning tone.

"I can assure you I can handle myself, fine dwarf, you may not have asked for me but the wizard has, and if it wasn't for him I would have-

"Enough!" The wizard boomed casting a dark shadow through the dimly lit room. It was enough to get Yrsa to take a slight step back, smirking at the dwarf King as he and the others glared at her.

"I can assure you, master dwarf, Yrsa is fully capable and will be an excellent asset to the company." The wizard tried to reason with Thorin.

"Very well, then. She may join. But you will be held responsible for her actions and if she so much as takes a single step out of line, there will be consequences." Oakenshield glared at both Yrsa and Gandalf.

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