Chapter one

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The flames of the torch lit the dark path in fount of her as she made her way slowly through the thick scrub, as she stepped out on the line of the narrow border

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The flames of the torch lit the dark path in fount of her as she made her way slowly through the thick scrub, as she stepped out on the line of the narrow border. Head held high, eyes scanning for any sign of life that dared step to the border. Behind her, lay an Orc infested land where no living creature who valued its pathetic life would dare step. It was an Orc infested land she had called 'home' for the past twenty-two years of her life. A 'home' where she was trained to kill without mercy. A 'home' where darkness ruled supreme and the light was not found. A 'home' where she was feared as much as she was respected. A 'home' where she considered a warg as a pet. A 'home' where she was not only a champion but a warrior.

Slowly, she pulled down her hood and let her pale hair tumble out, just covering her breasts which were hidden behind her clothes. Her eyes were shining in the soft moonlight as she scanned the area in search of one single soul who had requested she meet him on the border. She waited, her face like stone, no emotion was evident in her eyes. One deep breath after another, she waited. Calmly. Patiently. Silently. Nobody came and she knew she had come for nothing. She would get killed if she was caught wandering the border this late.

She turned, her back facing the border as she pulled out her dagger from her boot and carved her sigil into a nearby tree. Two horizontal lines facing each other with five intricate circles in between. She slid her dagger back into her boot careful not to cut herself, pulled up her hood once again, and began to stalk into the thick scrub. The night was silent other than her soft footsteps and the occasional sound of a twig snapping due to her stepping on it.

She didn't make it too far into the scrub until an old figure appeared on a white stallion. She heard the sound of the horse's hooves and came to a sudden stop, she turned without a word and walked back to the narrow border. The figure smiled at her. She frowned in return.

"Yrsa?" The figure asked.

"Gandalf" She frowned once again, irritated with the old wizard in front of her.

"It's been an awfully long time since the last time I've heard of you child" The old wizard smiled at the young woman before him. But once again, she didn't smile back her lips suddenly turned into a snarl and her hand fell to the sword hanging on her waist at the last word. Child. The word angered her, she was a fierce warrior with a notorious reputation that only an adult could hold. Not some mere child.
Biting back the insults she managed to choke out a civil sentence which was followed by a rather blunt question, "Yes, it has. Now, why have you called me?"

"Have you been followed?" Gandalf asked eyeing the surrounding area with hawk-like vision, searching for any other signs of life other than the two of them.

"No." Was her solid reply.

"Good. There is much we need to discuss my dear child" Gandalf half heatedly nodded towards Yrsa as he skilfully unmounted his white stallion with ease.

Her patientce was begging to wear thin with the old wizard, she was ready to sew his lips together in order for him to stop calling her a child.
"I am no child" she spat taking one threatening step forward to scare the old wizard. He stood his ground, not stepping back or blinking.

"But you are" Gandalf insisted.

"Then there is nothing to discuss, you're lucky you haven't been spotted yet old man, you and I both the consequences of that" she snarled.

Gandalf shook his head at Yrsa, "Always with the temper, one day it is going to land you in a lot of trouble"

"Enough!" She snapped "Either you tell me why you have summoned me or leave before you become warg food"

Gandalf let out a heavy sigh and stroked the horse's mane fondly, "I have a proposition for you..." He trailed off looking into the far distance with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"A proposition?" This had sparked Yrsa's curiosity.

Gandalf nodded, "A quest to reclaim a mountain to be precise"

Yrsa's eyebrows rose in surprise. Out of all the beings roaming Middle Earth, the wizard had chosen her. "And why? No. How, exactly would I benefit anybody on this 'quest' you speak of? All I could possibly bring is death"

Gandalf smiled brightly, "That is where you are wrong, you and I are joining the company of Thorin Oakenshiled to reclaim the great mountain of Erebor"

"You are insane" She spat, ready to turn around and leave the wizard in the dirt. She knew the consequences of helping Thorin Okenshiled. Azog the defiler is set on killing him and ending the line of Durin, and she would not dare step in the way as she valued her life.

"There is nothing wrong with a little bit of insanity now and then" Gandalf smiled again, causing Yrsa to let out an irritable grunt. "Now, you are to meet me in Hobbiton the day after the next full moon, don't be late," Gandalf said as he climbed back onto his white stallion, ready to go.

"And if I do not attend?" Yrsa asked wondering if she could push the old wizard's patience.

For the first time, that night he frowned "Then it would have been a waste of a journey."

Yrsa glared knowing what the wizard was playing, she slowly lifted two fingers up to her pale lips and let out a whistle. The night was silent until a massive warg jumped out of the scrub and next to Yrsa, causing Gandalf's horse to rear in sudden fear. Skilfully, she mounted the warg with ease, not breaking eye contact with the wizard.

"Do not disappoint me" was all Gandalf said before she turned the warg around and ran off, not bothering to look back.

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