We Meet Again

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Chapter 3

Kat's P.O.V

Everything's destroyed! My valuables are gone! Amber and I have no idea of what we should do. Calling the police isn't an option. We're too scared, and besides if we call the cops, the person that did this will just get angrier and do the same to Amber's house.

"What are we gonna do!?" Amber asks me.

"We're gonna clean up." I say simply.

"What!? Are you crazy!? I'm calling the police!" Amber says taking out her phone. But I take it out of her hands.

"We can't call the cops! What if the person that did this finds out and does this to your house! I can't let that happen!" I say.

"Kat! Stop thinking of others for one second and think about yourself!" Amber yells at me.

I throw her the phone.

"Go ahead! Call the cops! How are you planing on talking to them? Are you gonna use sign language through the phone!?" I yell at her.

Then she was silent knowing that she had no other chose but to listen to me.

"I'll start cleaning the living room, you start on your room" Amber demands.

I walk into my room. We're the hell am I suppose to start from!?

It's been 3 hours and the place is finally clean! But me and Amber are worn out!

"Can I spend the night at yours? I'm scared, I can't sleep alone in this house." I asked Amber.

"Yeah of corse! Are you planning on telling your parents?" Amber asks me.

"NO! If I tell them, they'll just go straight to the cops!" I said and she nods.

We get up and head out. I lock the door and we both walk across the street. Oh did I mention, Amber lives right in front of my house.

We go to her house and we see her mom.

"Hey girls!" Amber's mom greets us.

We just simply wave and head straight to Amber's room.

We don't wait a second, we jump on the bed and immediately fall asleep.

*Next Morning*

I wake up to my phone beeping, notifying me that I have a text. It's from Justin.

From: Justin

Hey Kat! Me and Cody are free today so we were thinking that we should all hang out together. So meet us at the Starbucks from yesterday! And I won't take no for an answer! See ya guys at 12! Bye!

I smiled at the text then turned and looked at the clock. It was 11:13! How are we suppose to get ready that fast!? And Amber's not even awake!

"AMBER GET YOU ASS OUT OF BED NOW!" I said while pushing her off the bed.

She gets up off the ground and gives me a death glare.

"Kat! You know I hate being woken up! WHY DO IT! And it's a Saturday. Please, for the love of God, let me sleep in!" Amber yelled in my face with her smelly morning breath.

"Amber get you stinky breath out of my face! I woke you up because Justin texted saying he and Cody wanna chill today."I explain.

"Okay but you didn't need wake me up like there's an earthquake!" She said placing herself back on the bed.

"Well, We have to be at Starbucks by 12, and right now it is 11:17" I said calmly.

She shoots out of bed and runs into the bathroom.

After we both took quick showers, we got dressed. I wore some of Amber's clothes since we're the same size and since I don't wanna go home right know. Amber wears denim shorts with a white crop top. As for me, I put on a blue strapless summer dress, that comes up to mid thighs.

It was 11:40 and we quickly leave the house.

We take the bus there which takes us about half an hour. We rush to Starbucks and see the boys in the far back.

We walk up to the and they don't notice since there on their phones. Then I decide to play a little joke on them.

"May I take your order sir?" I say acting like a waitress.

The boys don't even look up from their phones.

"No thanks, were waiting for someo- wait a minute!" Cody says then his head shoots up looking at us. Then Justin also looks up.

"Late much?" Justin says while getting up and giving me a hug.

Oh God, his hugs are the best!

"Sorry! It's not our fault! You texted me around 11 and told me to be here at 12! That's a hour to get ready and come here! You guys are lucky we didn't come any later!" I defended as we all sat down.

"Hey look what I learned to do, last night." Cody says.

Hey said 'hi, what's up' in sigh language.

Then Amber replies saying 'aww, you learned that just for me!?'

"What did she say?" Cody asks me.

"She said. Aww, you learned that just for me!?" I translate.

Then Cody looks Amber in the eye.

"I'm gonna try learning sigh language too! So we can have a proper conversation. A conversation where Kat doesn't need to translate everything." Cody says. That was just the sweetest thing ever! Amber opens up her arms and gives Cody a hug.

"But I have one question" Cody says then Amber nods notifying him to go on.

"Why are you mute?" Cody asked.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Amber's smile instantly turned into a frown.


Hey y'all!

Hope you guys like this chapter!


Twitter names: @jorjor56 @ZeynepKay0

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