~Memories and Nightmares~

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Chapter 14 

~Memories and Nightmares~

Amber's POV

"He probably just had a long day." Kat said to me. I just nodded. I don't see why he had to close the chat between her and Justin if he had a long day. UGH! Boys are confusing!

"Hey Amber, Kat!" I heard Riley call.

"Yeah?!" Kat yelled back.

"I have to get going, i'll see you guys tomorrow yeah?" He said opening my bedroom door.

"Yeah! For sure!" I signed towards him.

"Great!" He said hugging us both before running down the stairs and out of my house. I shook my head, he's one carefree person.

"Shit! I have to get going to Amber! I was supposed to be home a half hour ago!" She said frantically grabbing her stuff and running out of my room.  

"Well then." I whispered to myself. I walked out of my room and down the stairs to still see Chris sleeping. I walked up to him, turning his phone ringer on the highest volume. I walked into the kitchen dialling his number. His phone started blaring out his annoying ring tone. It was just screaming, over and over again.

"CURSE YOU AMBER!!" He yelled storming into the kitchen, where I  was laughing to myself. That's one thing that i can do in front of Chris, I can laugh. I don't understand why i can't talk to him. I've tried, but nothing will come out. It's like my brain doesn't trust him enough for me to talk to him.

"This isn't a laughing matter!" He said walking closer to me. "Never wake me up from my sleep."

"You did it to me! Besides, it's seven already!" I signed walking backwards knowing what he was about to do.

"I'm gonna get you!" He said leaping for me! I dodged out of his way and ran up the stairs, into my room locking the door. "Let me in!" He said outside the door. I leaned my back against the door pulling out my phone.


"Fine then! Prepare for revenge!" I heard him stomp off. i laughed to myself before lying down on my bed sighing. I grabbed my ear phones playing my chill indie play list closing my eyes. My head was still hurting from earlier, so playing up beat music wouldn't be too wise.

Soon enough i found myself falling into sleep.

I opened my eyes to find myself in my old home. Every thing was the same. Lion King was playing on the t.v, i had my favourite blanket wrapped around me. I looked around to see if anyone one else was here, but it seemed to be just me. That is, until i heard a crash in the kitchen. My breathing hitched! It can't be happening again! I ran into the kitchen to stop in my tracks.

"Daddy?" I asked, my voice was quiet and small.

"Pumpkin... Daddy's gonna be okay. Just go into the other room okay?" He said trying to hold off the man in all black. I couldn't move. It was like i was glued to the floor. "Amber go!" He yelled towards me.I turned around to start running for her help when i bumped into someone.

"Where do you think your going?" The voice said evilly. I looked up to see another masked person. "You want to see your daddy before he has to go don't you?" They told me.

"Where are you going daddy?" I asked turning around. I now noticed that i was in my 9 year old body. As if this was a memory, but i was experiencing it as my 16 year old self.

"Your daddy is already gone Pumpkin." The man sneered. I looked to see my dad's bloody body! 

"Daddy!!!" I cried running over to his body. "C'mon daddy. Get up. We have to get you to the hospital!." I cried into his chest.

:Oh hunny! Daddy's not coming back." The lady who stopped me before said. "Any last words?" She hissed pulling out a shiny cold steel knife. She leaped for me, lying me on the floor with a thud. I felt the cold blade on my neck before everything went black.

I jumped out of my sleep breathing heavily and a few tears running down my face.

"It was just a dream." I breathed.

<More like a nightmare> The voice in my head echoed. I pulled on my hair quietly groaning.

"Stop!" I said to the voice.

<Stop what? You control me.>

"Stop! Stop! Just stop!" I yelled grabbing my phone and coat before running out of my room and out of the house.

"Amber?! Where are you going?!" I heard my foster mom yell. I ignored and continued running. I didn't know where i was going, i just kept running! After a good while of running, i found myself at the cemetery. It was after 9:00 and i'm sure other people would be afraid to go into it. But my father is buried in this cemetery. I've been here at night plenty times before. I walked inside turning the flashlight app on. I walked through the graveyard, looking at all the other graves. I stopped when i reached my father's grave. I sat on the cold grass, pulling my sweater closer to me.

"Hi daddy." I spoke.  "I haven't talked to you lately. I've been really busy lately. Sorry!." I sighed to myself, sometimes i wish he could reply. "I met some new friends this weekend daddy!" I said excitedly, thinking back to this weekend.

I had a great time with Cody and Justin over the weekend.  They were both really sweet, Cody could be bipolar at times but it never really fased me until today. When he said hi to me, he sounded really bored and annoyed? As if he didn't want to see me. I hope i didn't do anything to make him not like me.

"There names are Cody, Justin and Riley. Riley knows sign! Do you think having these friends will be good?" The trees blew in the wind suddenly as if my dad was answering my question. I sighed to myself. "I think Cody might be mad or annoyed with me though." The tress blew again. If only i could here his voice again. "Well it's getting late dad. I better get going before mom gets worried." I said getting up from the ground, stretching my arms out. I turned around and started walking back towards the exit. 

There was a rustling in the bushes, i quickly turned around and gasped.

<Oh Shit!>


Hello lovelys! How'd you like the chapter? It's a pretty early update for us huh?

Song quote: "But every song is like,  gold teeth, gray goose, tripping in the bathroom. bloodstains, ball gowns, trashing the hotel rooms. But we don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams." ~Royals by Lorde





Stay awesome! <3 ~Jori

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