Chapter 1-New Beginnings

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Riley's POV

"Dad can you drive faster I swear we've been in the car all day," Emily says.
"Emily be quiet you're really annoying me," I say.
"Girls stop it!" Mum shouts.

We finally arrive in Toronto and we get dropped off and The Next Step.
"Never heard of these losers before," Emily says.

"Well you're going to be one of them so I'd keep your mouth shut if I were you." We walk in and we enter a room called 'Studio B'.
"I'm going to put our bags away you stay here bye!" Emily says, taking our bags and running off.

"Em wait!"
"Who's Em?" a girl with brown hair that touches her shoulders asks.

"Who are you?" I ask.
"Chloe. And you?"
"Riley. So we friends?"
"If you say so it's fine with me."

"Look at that midget over there talking to Chloe," I hear a girl whispering to another girl.

"Don't mind them," Chloe says,"They're Stephanie and Tiffany, nobody really likes them.

"Hey squirt," they say.
"Hey Tiffany leave her alone!" Chloe says,"She's new leave her be."

"OK then." They walk off and resume their conversation.

"Ri," Emily says, coming back,"Met any new friends yet?"
"Yes this is Chloe."
"Uuuh, OK anyone that is particularly like me?"
"Stephanie and Tiffany over there."
"OK thanks," she says, going over to them.
"Is she annoying then?" Chloe asks.
"Well, stubborn more like."

We are having our break but it's not really what I call a break. Everybody is just showing off their acro moves and whoever loses has to clean the toilets apparently. There's this ginger girl who seems really good. She performs several back flips and then a no-handed back flip.
"Woah that was really good," I say to her.
"Thanks. So are you the new girl?"

"Yes. My name's Riley."

"Giselle. Nice to meet you."

"Hey midget you're the only one who hasn't gone," Stephanie says. I really don't want to do it. I'm really bad at acro.
"Riley come on, can you really not do anything?" Chloe says.
"Well I can do a really bad cartwheel."

"Go on, it's better than nothing at all." I step to the middle and I see everyone's eyes on me. I put my arms up and do a perfect cartwheel, the best one I've ever done. But everyone just bursts into laughter.
"So you think that is good?!" Stephanie bursts out.

"Why are you even here if that's all you can do?!"
"Well, I-I-I don't do acro," I stutter.

"Well we can see that!" They all burst out laughing again and I feel humiliated.
"Stand up for yourself," Emily whispers so only I can hear.
"Acro isn't a dance anyway, its just gymnastics. I do contemporary dance and have never trained in acro so there you have it. I can probably do contemporary better than a lot of you."
"Ooooh, the two year old is sassy huh?" Tiffany says.
"Fine! If that's what you see of me then fine!" I then run out of the room. I just can't face them right now.

Emily's POV

"Treat her with respect she's new!" I shout.
"Come on Em, I thought we were friends," Stephanie says.
"Well, look, she's my sister and I care about her. Just don' so mean, just go easy on her and then everything will be fine."
"OK fine, bit overprotective though."
"Trust me, she needs it."

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