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"Aye, girl wassup"!?

I could hear my cousin yell as I pulled onto the street. I parked my car and climbed out letting my music blast through its speakers. The side of the street I pulled up on was empty until my cousin came over, which made everyone crowd around my car. They knew it was always a show when me and him were together.

"We boppin"?

He asked after giving me a one armed hug because his other hand held a red plastic cup filled with God knows what. I smiled up at him as his 6 foot frame towered over mine and I nodded. He was literally a whole foot taller than me. He walked closer to my car pulling his phone out of his pocket. I'm guessing to change the music.

The air was so warm which made me happy at the outfit I'd chosen for tonight. I simply wore high wasted ripped bleached jeans, a red halter crop top that showed my belly button ring, and red converse on my feet. My hair flowed straight, down to the top of my butt. It was a dusty brown color thanks to my mother. She's Creole which makes me half Creole. But I would dye it dark brown only because I feel it looks better with my skin tone.

Looking around I noticed people had their cars parked on either side of the street so that it could be blocked off.


My cousin spoke walking back over to me and lightly pushing me. The crowd around us moved so that they were able to see and almost every body had their phones out ready to record us. They already knew we were about to throw down like always. We used to dace all the time when we were little and continued as we grew older. We practically grew up as brother and sister and were raised in the Chi.

"Nah you go first".

"Mane go"!

He yelled making laugh's emerge from the small crowd. I begin bopping to the beat and I was doing better than Trey if I do say so myself. The songs were changing up which made it harder because I didn't know when the beat was gonna change. I still rocked the hell out of it and had a good time. It was fun and we were laughing and joking the whole time.

Me and Trey took turns doing our thing and stopped about 20 minutes into it. The crowd cheered and clapped making me smile. I turned towards every one and did a dramatic bow which made Trey push me.

I laughed walking over to my car and turning it off before going inside of my Aunt's house. She would always host these ghetto ass parties and invite everybody and they're mom's. Only because she wasn't that much older than me or Trey. She's 23 while I'm 18.

My grandma decided to have another baby 5 years before my mommy had me. Which made me and my Aunt hang out a lot when I was little. When I was 10 she was 15 and doing everything I wish I could. But she would always sneak and take me places with her sometimes. Although my daddy would always fuss and say no.

I waved and spoke to a couple of people before I went inside the kitchen and grabbed a styrofoam plate and plastic fork. There was so much food everywhere in aluminum pans that I didn't know what had what inside. I had to peek under each one until I simply decided on baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, and corn on the cob with a big piece of corn bread on the side.

I sat at a table that was close to the front door and started going in on my food. I'm small but i eat...a lot.

As I was eating I couldn't help but to feel eyes burning into the side of my face. I turned around and my eyes almost bulged out of my head. I slightly bit the inside of my lip as I scanned his frame.

He was a caramel complexion, with the most perfect/kissable jaw line I had ever seen. His pretty brown eyes were low and slightly droopy which made him look as if he was high. He wore an Obey shirt with Khakis and Bred 11's. It was cute on him and he was a skinny nigga.

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