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Trevan P.O.V

I dapped Trey before he climbed out the car closing the door behind him. We had just came back from doing a drop off with some goofy nigga's that were trying to fight only to earn street cred. We simply needed to give them money so they could give it to their boss who supplied us product. But nigga's wanted to make a problem out of nothing. I was gonna make sure I told their boss too. Lil' mufucka's gave me a headache.

After making sure Trey made his ass inside I pulled off speeding towards the address my mom's gave me. I was already late and didn't feel like hearing her yell at my ass. I ran a hand down my face tiredly as I pulled up to a red light. A nigga was tired as fuck and just wanted to sleep.

I made it to the address in little to no time. I pulled onto the side street seeing a familiar car parked in the garage. I shrugged it off as I stepped up the stoned pathway and rung the doorbell. Looking up I noticed the house was nice as hell. Whoever lived her had to have money out the ass. I waited a minute before the door swung open revealing a pretty faced..Janiyah?


I asked trying to see if I was tweaking. This girl been clouding my mind something heavy and I can't get her out for nothing. Even when I'm not thinking about her I end up thinking about her. She just too damn fine to be single. Even with her hair wild on top her head and her face clear of make up, she still looked beautiful as hell. She held the same shocked expression on her face as I did but began to smile.

"Hey Trevan".

She spoke stepping back so that I could come in. She closed the door and turned to give me a hug. I wrapped my arms around her small body and stopped myself from letting my hands drift towards her ass.

"Damn ma. You looking good".".

I said to her. She looked up at me with a weird face.


She chuckled pushing hair out of her face. She looked down towards the ground as I just stared at her. I couldn't believe she didn't think she looked gorgeous as fuck right now. I looked up seeing my mom come into room we were in with a mad expression on her face. Here we go.

"Yo ass is late".

She said as she got her sweater off the coat rack near the door. I smacked my teeth pushing my hands inside my pocket. I had a long ass day and didn't wanna hear bullshit.

"Ma I had to handle business".

I told her and could see Niyah walk in the opposite direction of us but, before she could get too far another lady called her name. She looked around the same age as my mama and looked exactly like Niyah too. I'm guessing the woman was her mom, she had to be.

"Janiyah baby can you hand Erica that box at the bottom of the closet for me"?

She asked her. Niyah turned around and began walking towards a closet in the corner of the room.

"You are gonna love these wedges".

I could hear the woman tell my mom with a smile.

"You don't have to give them to me".

My mom spoke. That was all I heard before I tuned them out seeing Niyah bend over into the closet with her ass in the air.


I mumbled to myself as I now had a full view of her ass in those little bitty ass shorts. I felt my pants began to tighten and averted my attention. Think of a ugly bitch Tre. You gotta get it together man.

Soon she came out of the closet with a Giuseppe Zanotti shoe box in her hands. She handed it to my mom who let out a thank you before taking the box from her.

"Well um I'm going to bed mom. Goodnight Ms. James, Trevan".

Niyah spoke walking towards the stairs that led to the upstairs part of their home. Her ass jiggled as she walked until her shirt began to fall making it cover her butt.

"Alright thanks Nicole".

My mom spoke to the other women giving her a hug.

"No problem honey".

Niyah's mom let us out. We both exited their home and made our way towards my car. I made sure my mom was in before closing her door for her and jogging towards the driver's side. I started the car and turned on more appropriate music so my mom wouldn't complain.

We made it home 40 minutes later. I unlocked the front door letting my mom walk in first before me. After she walked upstairs to her room I made my way to mine. Pulling out my phone I quickly dialed a number that always answered for me.

This girl swore one day we were gonna get married and have kids. At this point I couldn't even care what she thought. She did so much for me I couldn't cut her off. She held shit at her house for me and was always here when I needed her to be. The phone rung 3 times before she answered.


"Hey Janay I need a favor".

I told her. She sighed into the phone.

"When don't you need a favor babe"?

"C'mon man don't give me attitude right now. I need you ma".

I spoke peeling off my shirt and taking the phone away from my ear for a minute.

"You know I always gotchu daddy. Wassup"?

She asked. I smiled hearing that.

"Can you come over"?

It was quiet for a minute before she replied.

"Alright give me a minute".

"Ight. Don't ring the bell either just call me".

I instructed hanging up. I laid back on my bed getting on Instagram as I waited on her ass to get here. I saw the shit was dry so I threw my phone to the bed and turned on my xbox console. Not ten minutes later the doorbell rang. I cursed under my breath running down the stairs and opening the door quickly. I just told this dumb ass broad not to ring the damn bell. She thinking we getting married but can't follow a simple instruction.

I swung open the front door and pulled her in by her wrist , rushing up the stairs to my room. It would be just my luck for my mom to wake up and come out of my room. I'd end up getting cursed out and left with no pussy.

"Did I not just tell yo ass not to ring the bell".

A smiled played across her lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her ass crazy. I thought to myself as she looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry baby".

She kissed along my jawline and down my naked chest before dropping to her knees. She pulled her hair into a ponytail as I began to unbuckle my pants. This all a nigga need.

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