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Trevan P.O.V

Grabbing all of our bags and throwing them into the trunk of my car, I slammed it closed before going back inside of the house. It was shit thrown everywhere. The couches were cut up, glass covered the floor, there was ink on the walls, and the table legs were broken. I clenched my jaw to keep from spazzing out as I made sure we had everything we needed to leave. My entire body felt blazing hot. I was pissed the fuck off.

"C'mon you ready?" I asked Janiyah looking into her red eyes. She nodded her head as I helped her across the floor.

After helping her into the car I got in as well. Pulling out of our driveway I shook my head, disappointed in myself. I didn't think anything like this could happen but I should have been more prepared.

Janiyah didn't say anything as I continued to drive. I made a couple of calls and got us a flight tonight that would be headed for Cancun, Mexico.

I called Trey to let him know what went down and just to be safe him and Kiera was leaving too. I cursed to myself already knowing who was behind this shit. The whole gang has been getting fucked with by the same goofy ass niggas over a fucking misunderstanding.

To make a long story short, another gang mistook us for some other mufucka's who stole their product and now they thought we were out here selling they shit. I felt like we ain't have to explain shit to nobody, as well as Trey did. But with that, they have been fucking with us for the past 2 months.

The question was, how did they know where me and my lady rested our heads? That was the part that I could not understand for shit. I tried to keep my personal life under wraps as much as I could. Unless there was a snitch somewhere that I hadn't caught yet, there was no way they could have known where I stayed.

Turning the heat down slightly I looked over at Niyah. I reached and placed my hand on her stomach feeling my baby boy kicking.

"You okay?" She simply nodded again looking down at her thighs. I was gonna give her space knowing she was still a little shaken up.

"I called both our moms and let them know what went down. You know they out of town anyway." I let her know but she didn't even look up to respond.

After driving for 45 minutes we made it to the airport in a knick of time. I helped my baby out of the car and grabbed our 3 large suitcases. We packed as much as we could because I really didn't know how long we were staying. With Janiyah pregnant I ain't wanna risk shit. If something happened to her or my child the whole fucking city was gonna know.

Getting our bags checked in and going through security we met up with Kiera & Trey to board our flight. I pulled a couple strings for us to be in first class so it didn't take us long to board.

I made sure Janiyah was comfortable in her seat and sat next to her.

"You want something to eat? Still hungry?" She shook her head no as she rested it on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead as I text a couple of mufucka's I wanted to put in charge for this shit. I couldn't take care of it for now but best believe there was gonna be someone who could for me.

Janiyah P.O.V

I awoke to the sound of Trevan calling my name making me sit up and look around.

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