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Janiyah P.O.V

"Janiyah. Niyah. C'mon Ni wake up".

My eyes fluttered opened to the sound of my name being called repeatedly.

"Oh my god why are you in here"?

I immediately began trying to cover my body with my hands but there wasn't much I could do. The bubbles were no longer in the tub and my towel hung on the towel rack, which was by the door.

He smacked his teeth stepping away from the tub a little.

"We need to talk".

"Get out".

He turned to leave making my body calm down, but the heat in my cheeks still remained.

Once he was completely out of the door I rose out of the tub and wrapped my towel around myself. Draining the water out of the tub and cleaning up the bathroom, I made sure everything was still in place.

"And you're still here".

I sighed sitting on my bed. Trevan looked up at me from his phone and sighed.

"I said we needed to talk. And you left this in my car".

He said pulling out my phone from his pants pocket. How did I leave it?

"Damn, I didn't even notice".

"Yea you was so busy mad at a nigga".

He walked over towards me and sat next to me on the bed. The smell of his cologne made me almost melt, but I didn't let it show.

We sat in silence for about 3 minutes before her broke it.

"Look man. I'm sorry you had to see that shit earlier. I should've never even brought you there with me. But I'm not sorry for what I did to dude".

I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"How could you say some shit like that? He was a person"!

"He was a nigga that owed me money! I'm supposed to pat his back like a bitch"!

He yelled but not loud enough to scare me like he did earlier.

"Whatever. I'm done talking to you".

I turned to walk away from him only for him to grab my arm, preventing me from doing so.

"Why you keep shutting down like that"?

"Cuz what you did was wrong and you can't even see it like that".

"Alot of shit I've done is wrong. But this how a nigga able to eat everyday".

I looked into his brown eyes and almost felt bad for him. I sighed stepping out his hold and sitting down on my bed once again.

"So Trey does this shit too"?

He sighed sitting down beside me. He put his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

"I can't speak for him ma. That's a conversation you and him gone have to have. But for me, it's what I do. I've been in this shit since I was 13. I'm 21 and not trynna stop this grind til' me and my moms straight foreal".

I didn't know what to say. But I couldn't judge him, for the simple fact that my cousin does the dame thing. I couldn't be mad because this is the life he's been living before he'd met me. I could only choose whether or not I wanted to continue liking him. And honestly I don't even think I could do that.

I looked at him, from his eyes to his lips. To his defined jaw line and the tattoos peeking on his neck out of the jacket he wore.

He leaned up and stood tall in front of me making me look up at him.

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