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Janiyah P.O.V

I snuggled deeper into my bed, clutching onto my covers. I tangled my legs into his and pressed my lace covered booty onto his wood.

Pause. I didn't remember anyone getting in my bed.

My eyes popped open and I jumped out of the bed causing it to shake. Looking down into the bed I noticed it was only the dirty ass nigga I was calling my boyfriend. I let out a deep breath placing my hand against my heart that was beating rapidly.


I groaned shaking him as I flipped on the light. He stirred around some before opening his eyes and furrowing his eye brows. You could tell by how droopy his eyes were that he was exhausted.


He mumbled sleepily.

"How did you get in here"?

"Yo moms let me in. Now go back to sleep it ain't even 9 o clock yet".

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the bed. I sighed as I got back in pushing negative thoughts to the back of my mind. They weren't sexual thoughts either.

Once I was back in the bed he wrapped his arms back around my waist and pulled me to him so that my back was to his chest. It was quiet for a while as I heard his soft snores indicating he went back to sleep.

I traced the tatoos on his arms with my fingers as I let my thoughts drift. Trevan didn't understand how much he meant to me. I couldn't stop myself from falling so hard for him. It was as if I wanted to love him already. But like I said before it had only been a month.

I turned around in his arms and looked up at him. From his thin eyebrows, long eyelashes and thick lips.

Them sexy ass lips.

I couldn't stop myself as I leaned in and placed a tender kiss on them. He was still sleeping so it was as if he couldn't feel anything. Laying my head against his chest I began to drift back to sleep but not before feeling a soft kiss being planted on my forehead.


I woke again at the sound of my annoying ass alarm clock. I tried to remove my body from Trevan's grip but he wouldn't allow me to.

"Baby I have to get up".

I spoke as his eyes fluttered open.

"Where you going"?

He asked in a raspy voice that made my heart skip a beat and my panties began to moisten. What was he doing to me?

"I gotta shower and get ready for school".

I answered as he looked down at me. He snuggled his face into the crook of my neck placing kisses onto my skin.

"Bae just skip school today".

I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"And do what"?

"Chill with me".

"Nope I have graduation practice".

I reminded him as I pushed him off of me. I climbed out of bed and walked towards the bathroom to shower. Before making it to the bathroom I turned to make sure Trevan had went back to sleep before slipping off my panties and t shirt and placing them in the dirty clothes hamper.

After my 30 minute long shower I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked to the sink and brushed my teeth, rinsing with mouthwash afterwards.

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