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The Final Chapter

Janiyah P.O.V

I got up from our bed and slipped into a pair of blue cotton shorts. It had be ten minutes and Tre had yet to come back. I was now curious of who it could of been at the door.

I carefully made my way downstairs with no socks or shoes on my feet. The coolness of the floor brought a chill up my spine. I could hear deep raspy voice that I was not familiar with. I continued my stride but stopped in my tracks once I seen Trevan and some man sitting at the dining room table. I caught their attention immediately making them both look up at me.

"Uh," Trevan cleared his throat. "This my wife Janiyah, come here." He motioned me over. I followed instructions and came over to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I stood at his side.

"Hello Janiyah. You are really beautiful." The older man complimented me. Any other time I would have been blushing shyly because this man was extremely fine. You could tell he was much older then me but he was still very good looking. I was always shy when good looking men spoke to me, but I am happily engaged so it never meant anything more than a compliment to me.

"Thank you." I muttered still confused about who he is.

"This may sound weird Niyah but he's my father." My body tensed and I froze as soon as the words left Trevan's mouth.

His father. The one who's on the run. The one who the police came looking for. The man we were just talking about three weeks ago.

My thoughts roamed around in my head as I stood frozen. I tried to shake the feeling off to appear as normal as possible.

"Oh." Was all I could spit out. I could tell Trevan sensed something off about me as I felt him staring at me. I looked down at him, since he was sitting in a chair snd I was standing, and gave him a slight smile.

"I came by because um, I'm in alot of trouble with the law. I wanted you to know son, you the only kid I have in this world. I wanted to be there when you were younger, I really did but I did alot of shit when I was a kid. I left the state and established life somewhere else but I never stopped thinking about you and your mom."

I listened while he spoke and couldn't help but feel bad only because this was a man who really loved his son. You could by the emotion in his words that he meant everything he said.

"I plan on turning myself in because I can no longer run. I can't live my life like this anymore I'm too old. I'll be 55 next month and I don't wanna do this anymore, I can't. There hasn't been a day that passed that I haven't thought about you and your mom. I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I figured it'd be easier to raise you without all the drama that I would bring which is why I wanted her to believe I was dead." He ran a hand down his face.

You could tell that this was extremely hard for him to do. Here he was years later, staring at his son who he hadn't seen since he was a baby. Now he's a grown ass man with a wife and child. Being that I'm a mother I couldn't imagine going through this same thing with my own son. It would break my heart.

"I love you son. I cannot express that enough. I see that you're doing well and living well. I'm proud of you." He smiled at Trevan. I couldn't read his face and I didn't know what to say. There was an awkward silence before I spoke up.

"Um, I think he just needs time to register all of this. It's alot to take in."

"I understand." He stood up from the table, towering over us.

"What's your name?" I asked, remembering that he never mentioned it.

"Dennis." He smiled politely. I nodded my head and began walking towards the door where he followed me.

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