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Janiyah P.O.V

"Happy birthday to you! Blow your candles baby." I smiled down at Ayden, looking up at Kiera who was recording us. I ended up blowing out his candles being that he kept trying to grab at his cake. His fat ass didn't care about the candles at all.

"Yay!" I exclaimed after blowing them out for him. He looked up at me with a wide grin on his face and begin clapping his hands as well. I was happy being that all I wanted was for him to be happy on his birthday.

"Good job big boy!" My mom smiled at Ayden, watching as he grabbed at his cake. He tasted a little of the icing first before going in for more. I got him a double chocolate cake with chocolate chips on top.

"Give dada some." Trevan got in Ayden's face as he ate his cake with his hands. He put his hand on Trevan's mouth, smearing icing onto his face.

"Yeah get your daddy stinks." I laughed, taking pictures with my own phone. They were coming out so cute, with him and his dad interacting with each other. I was going to upload these to Instagram once I got the chance.

It felt so surreal that I now had a one-year-old son. I could remember being in the delivery room as if it was yesterday when really it was an entire year later. My baby was growing up so fast. He was getting bigger and bigger each day. I never thought I could love something so much. I would die for him at any given moment in time, risk my life just so that he could have one. Ayden made me grow and mature to become the mother he needed.

"I got some cupcakes in the kitchen if Y'all want some." I let everyone know since Ayden wasn't letting go of his miniature sized cake no time soon and was eating it with his bare hands. I was prepared since I knew that this was bound to happen.

"Yeah 'cuz King ain't letting up." Trey laughed walking into the kitchen.

"But you already knew that's what he was gonna do." Kiera followed behind him.

I focused my attention back on Ayden, who had put a dent in his cake just that fast. I decided to push it away from him so that he wouldn't develop a stomach ache, and mine wouldn't either once it came time to change his diaper. My baby was in love with chocolate, so I had to monitor how much he ate.

"I'm tired as fuck." Trevan laid back onto the bed. We had been up since 6 in the morning and it had just made 8 pm. We had to be up extremely early to get all the last minute things for our trip here at Disney World. After settling into the hotel room, having lunch, picking up some things for Ayden's little party here in the hotel, and coming back we had just now settled in. We had bought pizzas, wings, party hats, and little party favors for all of Ayden's cousins who were here for the family trip. Everyone had agreed to go a couple of months ago so that is what we decided to do.

"I am too. We're going to the theme park tomorrow so make sure you get plenty rest."

"I already know. I'm gone get in the shower after you get done with King."

"Okay." I stood from my seat with King in my arms. His chunky butt was getting too heavy to hold. He was walking a little bit but couldn't keep at it for an extended amount of time.

I quickly washed him up and put him in some pajamas to wear to bed. Once I was done I cradled him in my arms and slowly rocked him to sleep.

"Janiyah we're going up to our room baby." My mom peeked her head in.

"Okay. Make sure y'all get up in time to go to the theme park tomorrow."

"You don't have to worry about me. It's your dad you're going to have to wake up." I rolled my eyes in frustration, knowing I was going to have to wake everyone up tomorrow.

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