[skipping drawing&painting with mr.Malik]**period 6; Math **
It was passing period and I had asked Jenay to one to the bathroom with me to check myself before I walk into mr.horans class. Plus, we had his class together.
"Ok,do I look fine!?" I asked Jenay.
She chuckled and nodded 'yes'. I smiled and thanked her. We walked inside and of course me and Mr.horan and I made eyecontact, like always!
I got the butterflies instantly which made me smile. Great ,he thought I was smiling at him so he smiled back and waved. I turned my head quickly and speed walked to my seat.I felt bad for not waving back but I got nervous, OKAY! I rested my face in my arms until the bell rang for class to start.|Mr.Horan/Niall's p.o.v|
I pouted when rose/rosy didn't wave back at me.Is she ignoring me? Did I do something? Does she hate me now? Oh no, does she know something. I hope not, at least just not yet. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called.
"um, Mr.Horraaann" I heard a boy say.
I turn to him, I didn't recognize him. Well of course, he isn't my student.
"um yes?" I replied.
He handed me a paper.
"I'm your new student..um I'm foreign exchange from Spain" he said with his thick Spanish accent.
"ah yes, I remember now, you're Manu Rios! take a seat ummm *checks attendance board* next to Rose! Rose raise your hand!" I said.I didn't want many to sit near my rose! What if she starts to like him then he will start to like her! But It was the only open seat available. Pfft c'mon Niall! She's not gonna fall for his accent, green eyes, nice hair, perfect smile- OK I NEED TO MAKE A NEW SEATING CHART!
|Manu's p.o.v|
"...Sit next to rose! Rose,raise you hand!" Mr.horan said.
I turn to face the class to see who I will be sitting next to. A pretty brown hair/eye girl raised her hand.I can tell she was shy. I smiled and headed to the seat next to her. I settled my stuff down.
"hi,what's your name?" I heard a girl from seats away ask.
I looked up.
"she's trying to get in your pants" I heard rose say into my ear.
I laughed softly.
"I'm Manu ,what's your name?" I replied to the flirty girl that wants to get in my pants.
I made sure she knew I wasn't interested in her foolishness. What I mean by that, I gave her some face expressions that's shows how I really don't want to talk to her. She was flirty. She seemed like the girl that flirts with everyone and anyone."Manu is a hot name and so are you... mines is Stephanie by the way and I'm single." Stephanie said while she played with her hair.
It was so hard to look at, but I respect women so imam act like a gentleman.
"thank you Stephanie, it was nice to meet you." I said then went back to Rose.
I put my hand out for rose to shake. She smiled and shaked my pale hand, hers was pale as well with a soft tan.
"I don't think I introduced myself well, I'm Manu rios" I said.
She chuckled.
"I'm Rose Stanford, but you can call me rosy or whatever haha" she said with a smile.Her smile was perfect. I just noticed how gorgeous she is! Wow, this is gonna be a good year. Shes pretty awesome too so I hope we can be friends.
"have you made any friends yet?" she asked.
"sadly no, you've been the nicest so far! And not to brag, you are the only girl that hasn't flirted with me, and just had a normal conversation" I said then laughed.
She laughed as well.
"well I can be your friend" she said with her arms out and jazz hands.
I chuckled and nodded then pulled her into a hug well not really a hug since we're sitting.
"ALRIGHT class! listen up!" I heard Mr.Horan say so I turned to pay attention...|Mr.Horan's p.o.v|
I wish rose was mine! I just can't handle the fact that other boys are after her! Manu is already falling for her! Who wouldn't! I'm probably just over reacting. I'm just jealous I guess, especially the fact that he's younger than me, he has a better chance...

My Math Teacher (Niall Horan)
FanfictionRosetta Stanford is a young girl in high school that falls in love with her math teacher. Mr.horan falls for her aswell but they cant be together because of the age gap but most of all hes her teacher!What will they do?And what will happen along the...