|Rosetta's p.o.v.|Finally. I was done with my worksheet as well as Manu.
"Are you done with your worksheet?" Manu asked.
I simply replied with "Yea"
"Can I see it real quick" he said while taking it and turning it over to the back.
"I guess so since you already took it"I chuckled.
"what are you doing?" I asked when I saw him writing something down on the 'name' part. The worksheet was double sided.
"Okay let's go turn them in"he said quickly getting up and snatching my paper with his.I stood up as well fixing my dress.
"what did you write!?" I asked trying to snatch my paper from his hand but he wouldn't let me.
"Manu!!!" I said almost screaming . He just kept laughing at me.
"It's nothing bad!"'he said.
I gave up,I also didn't want to sweat(okay princess...jk). "Follow me to the turn in tray "he said as he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers but just playfully.
I followed him to the turn in tray which was next to Mr.Horan's desk. I glanced over at Mr.Horan hoping he wasn't looking but he was.Why does this always happen to me!? But then as I played the image again in my head, he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at our hands.(Manu and I).
Great,he probably thinks we're a thing. I shook it off still wondering what Manu wrote on my paper.He started to walk away so I let go of his hand and tried to find my worksheet in the pile since he hid it! Manu saw what I was doing so of course he tried to stop me but it was too late! He saw I had my paper and quickly went back to his desk.
That's not good. I turned it over and guess what he wrote. 'Mrs.Horan'. That's what he was hiding, oh wow. I laughed.
"Mr.Horan, can I barrow an eraser real quick,please" I asked still chuckling a little. It only takes something so small to make my day. He handed me an eraser with no words.Strange.
I was about to erase 'Mrs.horan' from my worksheet but I changed my mind. The writing is obviously not mine plus he could maybe,probably,hopefully think it's cute? Right?
Or maybe he will just find it extremely creepy. Eh, let's take this risk. I handed Mr.Horan back his eraser."Thank you" I said with a smile. He smiled back! Thank the lord Jesus because I got to see that beautiful smile of his .
"Of course " he replied as I put my worksheet back in the tray. I started to walk away when "Um rose, can you come here for a minute?" He asked.
Butterflies formed in my stomach.I turned back around and walked back over.
"Am I in trouble ?" I asked innocently. He chuckled and stood up stretching a little.
"I just wanted to ask you if you can stay after a few minutes please"he asked.I wonder why. I just hope it's not about my grades or anything like that.
"um, okay " I said which made him smile.
"Great" he replied.
Well okay then. Should I worry? I nodded and headed back to my desk.I had noticed the time on the clock. It was almost the end of the day.
I cannot stop thinking about what's going to happen after class or what he's going to tell me.|Mr.Horan's p.o.v?|
I sat back down.
I couldn't stop smiling at what had happened. 'Mrs.horan'. If I'm going to be honest to myself, I actually liked the fact of her having my last name, her being mine. I don't know what this girl is doing to me.
I am falling for her, and it hasn't even been that long that I known her, I nearly even talk to her, I mean we have conversations here and there but there's something special about her.
I'm so stupid.
Why would she love me?
I'm way older and I'm sure she likes that Manu rios boy (my student) which is HER AGE.
And of course he's good looking, something I'm not and never will be. I'm ugly , there I said it , even though I love myself , Which you should , I just don't think I'm attractive.Maybe that's why I can't find someone, every girl turns me down and I know why, I'm weird, and ugly.
I'm just not this person they want or dream of.
They don't take the time to get to know me! All they see is what's on the outside. Louis and Liam tried setting me up on dates but it just never goes well.
Everything just gets better and better doesn't it?

My Math Teacher (Niall Horan)
FanfictionRosetta Stanford is a young girl in high school that falls in love with her math teacher. Mr.horan falls for her aswell but they cant be together because of the age gap but most of all hes her teacher!What will they do?And what will happen along the...