|Rosetta's p.o.v.|**car ride**
I stayed quiet most of the ride but I spoke when he asked me questions. I'm still shy around him. I can't believe I'm in his freakin car!
Like, is this real life!?
I don't even think this is aloud! I don't know why I let him take me home, we can both get into a lot of trouble , well mostly him.
I swallowed nervously thinking bad thoughts like what if he's a criminal or rapist.What If he kidnaps me and takes advantage of me
"Roseeee , ROSEE " I heard snapping out of my thoughts.
I realized we were in front of my house.
"sorry, I -I was-"
"day dreaming, I know " he said if a soft smile while resting a hand on my thigh.
My breath hitch at his action liking the feeling of his cold yet warms, soft hands touching my skin.I bit the inside of my cheek trying to hide what I feel inside. I gave him a shy smile."Thank you, Mr.Horan, I appreciate you giving me a ride" I said trying to sound all innocent and like a scholar , he is my teacher!
He kept starring at me with that soft smile still on his face. I looked down shyly, playing with my fingers , not knowing what to say because he is still looking at me.
Why, like please say something , I already make is awkward enough! Think rose Think!"Oh , no problem rose, anytime " he said with a soft chuckle taking his hand off my lap. I looked up at him and noticed his Rosie cheeks.
I smiled.
"bye Mr.Horan, I'll see you tomorrow "
I got out the car hearing that squeak , ouch , he needs some oil.
Ugh, great, now I feel bad because he's probably so embarrassed.
I adjusted my outfit quickly with one had grabbing my backpack with the other.
"bye rose , till tomorrow" , he replied.
I smiled and closed his car door hearing that squeak again , my cheeks turned red for some reason.
I let out a deep breath quickly walking to my house door quickly.|Niall's /Mr.horan's p.o.v.|
I watched rose walk to her door before leaving. For some reason a smile came across my face. Just looking at her or even thinking about her makes me smile!
I have to admit to myself, I'm falling for rose.
I-I'm falling for my student?
Wow, that's was hard to think about, imagine saying it.
I let out a deep breath stroking my fingers through my hair. I can't be falling for her!Shes 15! Going on 16, and yes I remember when her birthday is, I know a lot about rose, I wish I got to know more.
I realized I was still here so I started to drive away when it hit me.
"It's rosy's' birthday tomorrow!" I said to myself.
Wow, how could of I forgotten!? Well I been planing the Halloween party I'm throwing tomorrow night.Wow I can't believe October is almost over. This school year is going by so fast. I shook out my thoughts focusing on the road. Well, gotta head to the store now, I want to get rose something for her birthday. I know it's a little (very) inappropriate for me as a teacher to give a student something like this but I want to take the risk for her.
Wait, what did I just say!? What is this girl doing to me!? ...|Rosetta's p.o.v.|
**M o r n i n g **
My alarm went off. I groan wanting to go back to sleep since I had the best dream so far in my lifetime! It was about... Mr.Horan.
I have to admit it, I wanted my dream to be for real. It was a dirty one alright.
I hate this feeling, wanting something so bad but you know you can't get.I stretched my arms and legging in different directions yawning loudly.
"ITS MY BIRTHDAY!" I said to my self shooting up in a sitting position.
I smile to my self quacking getting up heading to the bathroom.
I hope it's a good day today, no bullies, no drama, just happiness.

My Math Teacher (Niall Horan)
FanfictionRosetta Stanford is a young girl in high school that falls in love with her math teacher. Mr.horan falls for her aswell but they cant be together because of the age gap but most of all hes her teacher!What will they do?And what will happen along the...