Chapter 20

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A/N: Happy new year!🎉

| Niall's P.O.V |


" it's getting late... do you want me to take you back home now? Or is it okay to stay longer?"

I asked Rose. We lost control of time and didn't realize it was this late. What if her parents are worried?
I looked at Rose who was thinking about the question I asked her, while checking her phone. She seemed to come up with an answer quickly, seconds later.

"No, it's okay, I-"
"Can you sleep over?"

I interrupted her without thinking. This idea just came to my head. I hope she can stay, I mean it's Saturday tomorrow. I hope she doesn't think badly or something, I mean I'm sure she won't.

"Really? I don't want to be a bother"
She said.

I laughed at her response. Why would she bother me? Never!

"No, don't worry! I'm asking because I don't want you to leave yet... since we're talking about our lives "
I chuckled.

"Oh okay true, but are you sure?"
She wanted to make sure that I'm serious, and I am. I want her to stay so we can keep talking.

"Yea! I want to keep talking with you, and maybe tomorrow if your mom lets you, we can go somewhere! But of course I'll take you home whenever you want"
I reassured her.

Maybe this will convince her that I am serious about her staying. This bonding is making me feel more closer to her! And I'm getting to know her so much it's like if we've known each other for a while.

"Okay ! But tell me why I had a feeling you were going to ask me this! Like before you picked me up I got this feeling"
I laughed at her words.

"Really? That's crazy!"
"Yes!! It is! Ah, this is embarrassing but I literally brought everything I think I would need just incase you asked me to sleep over! I even told my mom that I might sleep over at my friends house, oops, I lied a little bit ... And I don't lie or like lying at least"
She explained.

Wow, we are meant for each other. So funny how this all worked out! Is this a sign? A good sign for me and Rose. I'll take that as a yes because I am crazy and superstitious.

"Wow! Wait, your mom doesn't know you're with me?"

I'm worried that I might get into trouble with her mom one day, I mean we're not doing anything wrong. Kinda...

"No, she would of for sure not let me come to your house to sleep over! C'mom, she's Mexican, I'm Mexican, my family is MEXICAN .. Yea, I'm just surprised she let me sleep over at my 'friends' house when I asked her"

We both laughed.

We both laughed

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