Shanes POV:

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I leant over Drew, who was sat at the computer, to sit my coffee onto a coaster. Settling myself onto the couch behind him I took a look at what he was searching on YouTube:

"Drew, what the fuck is a toad-um?"

He sent a quick glare my way and started to play the song.

"TOADM. It stands for Theory Of A Deadman, dipstick." He says rolling his eyes before smirking and belting out the lyrics.

"AND I REMEMBER ALL THOSE SUMMER NIGHTS, STARING AT YOU IN THE MOONLIGHT, I HOPE YOU NEVER LEAVE! CAUSE BABY YOU'RE SO GOOD TO ME," he sang, swivelling his chair round so it faced me and taking my face in his hands. He grinned and squished my cheeks.

"YOU HAVE ALL THAT I EVER NEED!" Jumping up from his chair, I braced myself as he practically leaped onto my lap and threw his arms around me, taking me quite by surprise.

"ITS EASY TO LOVE YOUU! SO EASY TO LOVE YOU, MMM YOU KNOW ITS TRUE, THE BEST PART OF BEING WITH YOU," he took a brief break from singing to peck me lightly on the cheek.

"TO KNOW YOU'RE WITH ME, IT'S NOT SO HARD TO SAY-" I quickly covered his mouth with my hand as I noticed Luke and Laurence stood in the doorway smirking at our compromising position. Drew's face merely centimetres from my own, with his arms around my neck, my own settled on his hips so he wouldn't fall, and to top it off, he was literally straddling my waist by this point. I guess the cheesy love song didn't help either.

Luke just shook his head, smiling.

"I ship it." He mumbled before winking at me, giving Drew a thumbs up and promptly disappearing.

Laurence on the other hand looked quite disgusted-

"Will you two get a bloody room? I don't fancy bringing my breakfast back up." He said, earning a death stare from both of us and a challenging 'no' from Drew.

I know this side of Drew all too well, and its safe to say that I was worried about what his next action would be, the last time this happened I ended up stuck to a table with duct tape... It's a long story.

So tensing up slightly as Drew turned round to face me, I was expecting something dramatic.

However I was not expecting a fucking kiss.

It may have only been a short one, but it baffled me all the same, and the confusion and longing it brought with it was definitely unwanted. Nervously looking up to him from my space underneath him, I silently questioned his intentions, to which he just shrugged and proceeded to climb off of my lap.

But no, I was not having that. He couldn't just kiss me and leave. So I did what any other normal person would do.

I stood up, grabbed his tie and used it to pull him to me as I leant in for another kiss. And another. And another.

And then maybe a few more.

Let's just say I'm not quite sure if Beveridge managed to keep his breakfast down after all.


Hello, my readers, and thank you for taking your time to look at my Timids Oneshots! Really, it means a lot.

I hope you enjoyed my first oneshot, there will be many more to come I assure you, and I look forward to seeing you then.


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