Drews POV: I am gonna leave you part 2

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Dragging my suitcase along the floor, I looked up at the high ceiling of the airport and listened to the overlapping chatter.

How I've missed British accents! I thought to myself, grinning.

After 6 long years in New York I thought it was time for a visit home. Me and Shane barely spoke, it gave me time to recover from the misery and heartbreak after each long conversation. It made me realise that I had no one out there, and he is all I have. He is all I need.

So hearing his delighted response to my coming home for a while, I couldn't get on the plane faster. And meeting him here now will be the first time I've seen him in those 6 years.

I looked out at the crowd for that familiar face, and panicked when I couldn't find him. That is until a sign was held up of course.


Typical Shane. Beaming I ran towards it, my suitcase bobbing along behind me as I sprinted towards my Shane.

But he wasn't my Shane anymore.

I stopped, and took in the small children clinging to his legs, and the tall brunette clinging to his arm in a likewise fashion. Dropping my suitcase I stopped, and just stared.

"You never told me." I said. The dismay and betrayal crept into my voice with every word.

He let the sign fall as he pulled me into a hug, I returned it obviously but my smile had long since dropped.

"It wasn't important," he replied "I wanted to know how you were doing when I called." A touch of guilt was detected between the deep vibrations of his words against my shoulder.

I stepped back and furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head in astonishment, then gesturing wildly to his two kids and woman, I all but shouted my disapproval.

"Not important Shane? You have a family!" And noticing the gold band on his finger, "you have a wife."

But before he could apologise, I quickly calmed my thought process and added a small 'never mind, let's go', grabbing my suitcase and leading the way outside.

Before I could get very far a hand grabbed my sleeve.

"Are you Uncle Drew?" I heard a small voice ask. I looked down to see one of the Shane's kids tugging at the sleeve on my jacket. Crouching down to meet his height, I smiled.

"Yeah, that's me. What's your name?" I asked.

"My names Andrew!" He said cheerfully before skipping back to his sister. Looking up to meet his dads eyes, I smiled.

"You named him after me?" It was a statement rather than a question. He nodded, and at that moment, all the love I had ever felt for him came rushing forward and compelled me to my feet to bring him into another embrace.

"I told you I wouldn't forget you Drew." He said, clutching on to the back of my jacket.

And with my arms wound around his shoulders, I gripped on as hard as I dared to, because now I knew.

He was no longer mine to hold on to.


Yes I was very excited for this part two and I got very emotional writing this, I don't even know if its good because I haven't proof read it yet but Jesus that phYSICALLY HURT ME!!!

Well I hope you enjoyed this and thank you so much for reading! You are all very beautiful people and everyone have a good life, I'm feeling very sentimental right now I'm sorry.

I'll see you soon with Fic no.6!


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