Taxi Cab: Drews POV

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Sorry guys, another sad one!

"Do you know him?" The woman asked. Pointing to the boy in the bed next to me.

I nodded my head and smiled, recalling distant memories from the back of my mind.

"Tell me about him." She said, writing things down on her notepad.

"Well," I started "I don't remember his name, but I know he's a lovely person. I'm absolutely besotted with him. I'm not too sure why he hasn't came over to say hello yet, from what I remember, we were very close."

The boy had turned his head in the direction of our conversation and started listening. I smiled and continued,

"I remember one day we went to the park, and I had such a huge crush on him, and it turned out that he liked me too. We sat there all day cuddling and messing about, neither of us said anything about our feelings. We didn't have too, we both knew really. Looking back on it, when we were just friends like that, everything was perfect."

I sighed dreamily and shot a cheeky smile in the boys direction. He shook his head despairingly and got up to wander over to my bed. He sat in a chair next to me and smiled, lacing his fingers through my own.

"Then there was that day where we were at the park again, it was our place to be really, and we just sat talking for a while until it went silent. It was a good silent though, comfortable. I really wanted to make a move but I was too afraid, I thought he wouldn't want me to."

A fast paced beeping interrupted my speech. They both gestured for me to continue.

"Then we finally got together, and it was perfect. We were both careful around each other. I loved him so much. Everything about him."

At this point, memories came flooding back, and not happy ones. It choked me and I looked down, taking my hand away from the boys.

"But then I don't know what happened. We weren't as close anymore." Looking directly at the boy, tears flowed down my face. The beeping continued.

"You stopped talking to me. I don't know what I did, I must've done something wrong. I could have tried harder to keep your attention, I should have asked you what was wrong. I could have sorted things out but I didn't. I thought you'd just gave up on me, so I gave up on us."

The turn from such happy memories to such hurt and disappointment killed me. My heart ached.

The beeping continued, it seemed to be getting faster. It was starting to get annoying.

"Shane." I choked out. He shushed me and brought me into a hug as I clutched onto his shirt and finally recalled his name. Only, along with his name came terrible memories and internal wounds that weren't yet healed.

Everything seemed to slow down after that. Everything was calm. Even the beeping stopped, fading out into one long hum.

My senses picked up one last thing: the faint singing of the boy next to me. My favourite song.

I want to fall inside your ghost,
And fill up every hole inside my mind,
And I want everyone to know,
That I am half a soul divided.

Sometimes we will die and sometimes we will fly away,
Either way you're by my side until my dying days,
And if I'm not there and I'm far away,
I said, "Don't be afraid."
I said, "Don't be afraid, were going home."


2 days earlier:
I saw the car hurtling towards us first. I should have spoke up and said something, I could have saved everyone else, but in reality my only thought when I saw it was 'this is my chance'. I wouldn't have to kill myself after all.

But then I caught a glimpse of who was in the other car. In the back, looking scared shitless, was my Shane. He was there.

That's when the screaming started.

The worry and panic over took my body as the cars collided, he was here, he could be hurt. And it would be my fault.

I didn't feel the pain in my head as it hit the chair in front of me. I didn't feel the pain in my leg where it was crushed between the caved in door and my chair. I didn't even realise that I had blacked out for a while and the ambulance was already here.

I just knew that I had to get to him somehow.

Pushing with all my might against the door, I managed to swing it open, adrenaline pumped through my veins as I sprinted (as best as I could with a broken leg) over to Shane's car, ignoring the pleas from the paramedics to sit back down and be tended to.

He was okay, he was climbing out of the car when I got to him, he only had a few cuts and bruises. I sighed in relief, letting a smile form on my face, until a burst of angry pain exploded in my head, making me fall unconscious again.

When I came to, I was in a hospital bed, the curtain was pulled back and I watched as people walked past. Why I was there, I wasn't too sure, but I was warm and well fed, so I was happy enough.

There was a boy in the bed next to me. Looking at him sent a burst of butterflies flying in my stomach and I longed to speak to him. I could remember the days we had spent together, I know that he was part of my life somehow, but I couldn't remember his name.

The boy glanced over every now and then looking troubled, I wasn't sure why because from what I remember we were very close. The only disturbance was an annoying steady beeping to the left of me.


So. Holy moly. This is based off of a reoccurring dream I've been having about someone, its really weird and I thought I'd write about it.

If you don't understand, the hit Drew takes gives him memory loss, and was actually very serious. The beeping is him dying and just before the '2 days earlier' is when he dies. #sorrynotsorry

I hope you enjoyed this and I'll be back soon with fic number something.


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