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"Okay, who can come up and answer this equation for us?" Mr. Clark says, looking around the room.

"Please, please, please not me." Louis whispers, looking down at his desk.

The kid in front of Louis has her hand straight in the air and if Mr.Clark doesn't pick her, Louis is going to scream.

"Louis! Come on up!" Mr.Clark says, with a wide smile.

"Fucker." Louis mumbles

"Okay!" Louis says louder, standing with a smile. Louis smooths out his shirt and runs his hands through his fringe.

Harry sits near the front, Louis can't go up and look like trash. Louis is happy he wore his tight jeans today.

Louis walks to the front of the classroom, shooting Mr.Clark a forced smile before he begins to solve the problem.

Louis had always been good at math, he just found it easy. That was probably why Mr.Clark always called on him.

Louis may have been good at math, but he hated having everyone look at him. Louis quickly finished and then turned to go sit down.

"Whoa there, Tomlinson. It's not a race, come back to the board." Mr.Clark says and Louis makes eye contact with Harry.

Louis makes a show of rolling his eyes and Harry smiles slightly. Louis goes back to the board and he stands with his arms crossed.

"It's right, why do I have to stay up here?" Louis asks, face beginning to heat up as all eyes are on him.

Louis can sass the teacher all he wants, but having people look at him always makes him blush.

"How are you so sure?" Mr.Clark says, a smug smile on his face. Louis doesn't doubt his work, he just knows Mr.Clark is being an asshole.

"I'm confident in my work, I'm not stupid and that problem was stupidly simple." Louis says with a shrug, smiling slightly when Harry laughs a little and shakes his head.

"If it was...as you say 'stupidly simple' then I guess you wouldn't mind, explaining the entire process to the class." Mr.Clark says, just dragging out this entire ordeal.

"I'm pretty sure that's your job, but fine." Louis says, turning his body towards the class (Harry)

Louis explains the way he did the problem and then he looks to Mr.Clark for approval. Mr.Clark nods, allowing Louis to go back to his seat.

Louis curtsies, like a princess and then he heads back to his seat. Louis sits in his seat, his face red.

Harry sits in the front of the room, with a small smile on his face. He had grown quite fond of Louis.

He thought we was very pretty and funny. Louis just had this quality about him that made you like him.

He had a bubbly personality and he was always do full of energy, you just wanted to be around him.

Harry definitely had a crush on Louis, how could you not? He was an all around great person.

At the end of class, Louis packed all of his things and quickly made his way out of the class.

"Hey, Louis wait!" Louis felt a warm hand wrap around his wrist and when he stopped and turned, he was face to face with Harry.

"Hi!" Louis says a little to forcefully, his eyes wide.

Harry smiles a little and then he starts talking. "So, Mr. Clark's a bit of wanker, right?"

Louis laughs and Harry can't stop smiling as they walk down the hallway. "Anyways, you know how we have that test next week?" Harry asks and Louis nods.

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