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"Yes, mum, I'll be safe....I know mum, I know...I won't let them pressure me into anything, yes mum I know drugs are bad." Louis says the last part quietly into his phone because both twins were currently laying on Harry's bed, watching Louis and he didn't want to offend them or anything.

"Okay then... have fun at your sleepover." Jay says, her tone apprehensive.

"Don't say, sleepover, we're not little girls." Louis says, rolling his eyes.

"Then, have fun hanging out with your friends. Bye Lou." Jay hangs up before Louis can say anything more.

Louis places his phone on Harry's dresser and then he turns and smiles shyly at the twins who are laying together.

Edward is laying on his side, while Harry is on his back with his hands behind his head.

"Come lay with us, Princess." Harry says softly and Louis smiles a little, climbing in between the two boys.

"So, you're mums, letting you spend the night here?" Edward asks, trailing his fingers across Louis' stomach.

"Yes." Louis nods, placing his hand over Edward's to still his movements.

"That's good...Hey, Ed, wanna order some pizza or something? I can get Louis dressed and grab some blankets so we can watch a movie." Harry says and Edward nods, pulling himself out of the bed.

Edward finds his boxers and he grabs a pair of Harry's jeans as he leaves the room.

"C'mon, love." Harry says, getting up from the bed.

"I'm naked..."Louis says and Harry smirks a little, shrugging as he pulls the comforter off of Louis.

"I'll get you some clothes." Harry says, pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead. Louis says a quiet 'okay' and then he lays back down in Harry's bed.

Harry grabs Louis' panties from the floor and he grabs a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts.

Harry goes back to the bed and he grabs Louis' ankles, he pulls him closer and then he begins to dress him. Louis lifts his hips as Harry slides his panties up his legs and thighs.

Harry puts on Louis' panties and then he puts his boxers on Louis too. Harry leans down and kisses the top of Louis' nose, causing him to giggle. "Thank you, Daddy."

Harry pauses as he's pulling his shirt over Louis' head. "About that whole Daddy thing, is that okay? Are you alright with that? Sorry, it kind of just came out of nowhere." Harry says.

"It's fine with me." Louis says with a bright smile.

"Okay." Harry replies, smiling too. Harry quickly pulls on a t-shirt and some boxers and then he turns back to Louis.

"Let's go downstairs with Edward, yeah?" Harry says and Louis nods, climbing off of Harry's bed.

Louis leaves Harry's room first and Harry follows, smiling because Louis looks too cute in his clothes.

"Edward?" Louis calls out, as he comes down the stairs.

"In the living room, love." Edward replies and Louis heads over to the living room and he straddles Edward's lap when he sees him on the couch.

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