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I'm kind of scared for this story...like the whole twin thing, I've never written something like it and it just makes me nervous.

Louis steps into his Algebra class right as the bell rings. Louis may or not have purposely gotten to class late so, he wouldn't have to talk to Harry about his fight with Edward. Louis had never really liked confrontations.

Louis still wasn't sure if Harry was angry with him or not, who knows, Harry could call off their tutoring sessions after the first day.

Louis walks to his desk, with his head down and he breathes a sigh of relief when he sits down.

Throughout the entirety of his Geometry class, Louis just goes over the events of last night.

He can't remember anything he could have done to make Harry upset. Then again, Louis didn't know Harry that well, maybe he irritated him?

Louis just let out a sad huff and laid his head in his arms.


Louis is rushing through the hallways, running late as always, when someone is grabbing his wrist and roughly tugging him to the side.

Louis let's out a small shout and he trips on his feet a little as he's pulled into an empty classroom.

Louis' eyes widen when they meet forest green ones. Louis blinks at one of the twins and when he sees curls touching the twins shoulder, Louis knows it's Edward.

"Hi." Louis says breathlessly. "You scared me."

"You left yesterday." Edward says.

"Suddenly." He adds. "Without saying goodbye."

"Yeah...um, about that... It's just, you and Harry were yelling and I thought that maybe it was something I did? I didn't mean to make him angry..." Louis pouts and furrows his eyebrows.

"Baby...he was angry with me. Not you." Edward says softly, moving closer to Louis.

"W-why, why would he be upset with you?" Louis asks, breath hitching slightly as Edward leans closer to him and places a hand on Louis' waist.

Edward pauses for a moment, considering whether he should tell Louis the truth.

Edward is torn, he could tell Louis about Harry's crush, but that would just send Louis straight into Harry's arms and Edward doesn't want that.

Edward decides he'll think of a lie and charm Louis, later. "You should come over again." Edward says, keeping his tone quiet.

"...But I don't want Harry to be upset with me." Louis replies.

"Even if he's upset with you...you can always hang out with me, kitten." Edward whispers, turning Louis' head and placing a kiss under his ear.

Louis shivers as Edward litters more kisses down Louis' neck, his warm breath fanning over Louis' skin as he says, "Don't you want to hang out with me, baby?"

Louis' mind is fuzzy and he almost forgets to answer Edward, that is until Edward bites softly at the skin of Louis' neck, urging him to his answer.

"Y-yes, god yes." Louis moans out softly as he lifts his hips up to Edward's.

"Okay then..." Edward whispers against Louis' skin. "I'll see you after school, babe." Edward places one last, open mouthed kiss to Louis' neck and then he's leaving the empty classroom.

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