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Today's my birthday! So I decided to gift you guys by updating all of my books. Hope you enjoy the chapter ☺️💕

Also this got a little dirtier than I expected so..... Sorry? 😂😁😳😳

Harry leans down and begins kissing Louis' collarbones. Louis' lips part and a small gasp escapes.

Edward unbuttons Louis' pants and begins tugging them down. Louis lifts his hips to make things easier for Edward.

"Shit. Harry look." Edward says, his hands gripping Louis' hips harshly. Louis blushes deeply as both twins look at the dark panties he's wearing.

"Fuck..." Harry curses, placing his hand next to Edwards so he can touch Louis' hips too.

"Baby, these are gorgeous...you're gorgeous." Edward says, his thumbs pressing into Louis' hips bones.

"Flip over for us, kitten." Edward says, giving Louis' hip a squeeze.

"Yeah, show us how pretty you are, Princess." Harry says softly.

Louis shyly turns over onto his stomach and the twins have to suppress a groan. Louis looks absolutely sinful in his blank panties.

"Fuck." Edward moans as he squeezes Louis' bum. Louis whimpers softly and buries his flushed face in the blankets.

"Love your fucking ass." Edward growls, slipping his fingertips into the waistband of Louis' panties.

"I'm gonna eat you out, kitten. Okay?" Edward asks, kissing one of Louis' back dimples.

"Yes, y-yes please, please." Louis begs, pushing his bum up a little.

"Okay, baby." Edward says and then he looks at Harry, silently telling him to hurry the fuck up and do something because they have this gorgeous boy all to themselves.

Edward lifts Louis' hips, so he's up on his knees and his shoulders are against the bed.

Edward slowly pulls off Louis panties and he places multiple kisses on his right cheek. Louis whimpers and pushes his bum back against Edward's  mouth.

Harry chews his bottom lip before he tugs off his boxers and moves in front of Louis.

Louis looks up at him with wide glossy eyes and flushed cheeks and Harry is so unbelievably hard right now it's crazy. Louis pinks himself up so he's on his hands and knees in front of Harry.

"Look so pretty, Princess." Harry says, grabbing some of Louis' hair in his hands. Harry grabs his cock in one hand and he brings the flushed tip to Louis' lips.

Louis sticks his tongue out and gives kitten licks to Harry's tip, causing him to moan. "Fucking hell." Harry murmurs as Louis takes more of him in his mouth.

Louis moans loudly around Harry's dick and Harry moves his eyes to Edward. Edward licks softly at Louis' hole, moving his tongue in circles.

Edwards hands dig into Louis' hips as he tries to keep him still. Harry thrusts his hips and Louis gags around him.

"Fuck yeah." Harry moans, his grip on Louis' hair tightening. "Suck Daddy's cock." Harry growls out and Louis nearly comes.

Edward pauses glances up at his twin and then smirks because he definitely like where this is going.

"Like it when your Daddy's touch you, kitten?" Edward asks, rubbing Louis' thighs, occasionally dragging his nails along them.

Edward knows Louis can't answer him, he just really likes referring to him and his brother as Daddy.

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