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Thursday at school was not as bad as Wednesday, but still bad, Louis just decided to hang around Harry more.

Louis approached the curly haired boy with a smile on his face, Harry's attention was focused on the inside of his locker and Louis smiled sweetly as he leant against the lockers next to Harry's.

"Hey, Lou." Harry face broke into a smile and his dimples appeared.

"What are you up to, babe?"

"Nothing actually, I was thinking of cleaning my locker but I'm kind of lazy and I know where everything is." Harry says and Louis peeks his head into Harry's locker where there are crumpled pieces of paper and a huge stack of papers stuffed under some torn journals and an old binder.

"Oh, H, this is bad." Louis giggles. "You should get some new journals, those are falling apart."

"They have character." Harry defends and Louis laughs a little.

"You're a dork, honestly Harold." Louis looks through the stack of papers, humming to himself as he does so.

"Ugh c'mon Louuuu, lets do something fun before first period, I don't want to clean my locker." Harry whines wrapping his arm around Louis' waist, pulling him away from the locker before shutting it.

"Fine, messy boy. What do you want to do?" Louis asks, placing his hands on his hips. Harry winks at Louis and then pulls him away, by the wrist.

Louis gets to first period late, with flushed cheeks, messy hair and pink lips.

When Louis plopped down into his usual seat he noticed a new boy, who hadn't been in the class before, he was sat beside Louis, near the back of the room.

First period for Louis was an art class, was Louis good at art? Not really, did he want to improve, not really again. Louis had only picked art because he didn't know what else to do so now he was in an Art 1 class with freshmen.

The new boy had dark hair, light skin and great eyelashes. He looked over and caught Louis staring, instead of trying to act like he hadn't been staring Louis flashed him a smile which was returned.

"This is Art 1, right?" He asks, lips pulled into a crooked smile.

Louis nods and looks around. "Yeah, you see all the 15 year olds? You're in the right place."

"Yeah I got moved in here because I never got my 'Arts' credit and I kind of need that if I wanna graduate in May." He says.

"You're a senior?" Louis asks, lowering his voice as the teacher begins to talk about paint or something.

"Yeah. This was all apart of my secret plan actually, I just did this to get to all of the children." He whispers, winking at Louis.
Louis laughs and brings his hand to his mouth to try and stay quiet.

"Zayn dear! Remind me to give you a list of supplies at the end of class." Ms. Anderson, the teacher says and Zayn nods and gives her an uncomfortably large smile. "Sure thing."

"Zayn? Edgy."

"Fuck off." He laughs and Louis giggles.

"I'm being serious, start a band, get that name up in lights pal." Zayn rolls his eyes at Louis, with an amused smile on his face.

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