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Idk what this is

"Hey guys, I exist too, you know." Edward says annoyed as Louis stays cuddled in Harry's lap, pressing kisses to his neck. Harry glances at Edward and shrugs his shoulders a little.

The twins and Louis had been home from school for about two hours now and Louis had been glued to Harry's side, following him everywhere, giving him an unnecessary (according to Edward) amount of kisses and barely acknowledging Edward.

"Lou, baby? Don't you think Daddy Ed deserves some attention too?" Edward asks and Louis gives him a side glance before he goes back to sucking a mark into Harry's skin.

"I tried giving you attention earlier and you clearly didn't want it." Louis says before he presses himself even closer to Harry.

Edward gives Harry a look that says 'do something' but Harry just shrugs with a small smile because maybe he's amused by Louis' behavior and he just really likes the way Louis' lips feel against his skin.

Edward rolls his eyes and pouts at Louis. "Baby, what is this about?" Louis looks at Harry momentarily and then returns his face back to his neck.

Harry chuckles a little and begins to rub Louis' back. "He's upset because you spoke to girls in favor of him." Harry explains and Edward's eyes widen a bit.

"You told me I shouldn't be all over him!" Edward defends and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Do you have no self control? Is it that hard to talk to Louis without being all handsy?" Harry asks, shaking his head a little at Edward.

"Yes it's fucking hard! Have you seen him? I'd be touching him all day if I could." Edward says and Louis blushes a little from his place in Harry's neck. "But kitten, I really didn't mean to come off as rude."

Louis sits up a bit and places a kiss on Harry's jaw. "I'm cold." He says.

"I can get you a blanket!" Edward offers, ready to stand from the couch.

"I'm gonna go get the blanket from your bed, is that okay?" Louis asks Harry and Harry fights a laugh as he nods.

Louis stands and walks around the couch, disappearing up the stairs. "Harrrryyy, do something." Edward whines and Harry just laughs a little.

"You brought this on yourself, mate."

"Um, I did not, you did this to me." Edward says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's not my fault you're rude and Louis gets easily jealous." Harry replies.

Edward rolls his eyes and when Louis comes back down stairs and is passing in front of him. Edward sits up, wraps his arms around Louis waist and tugs him into his lap.

Louis screeches and fights against Edward, but Edward holds on and wraps the both of them in Harry's blanket.

Edward lays on the couch with, Louis laying on top of him, facing the ceiling.
Louis stills himself and stares at the ceiling refusing to move or say anything.

"You have to talk to me at some point, kitten." Edward says, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist.

After about ten minutes Edward tries to slip his hand under Louis' shirt. Louis slaps his hand away and tries to push it out of his shirt. Edward's hand stays planted though and he begins to rub Louis' tummy softly.

"Harrryyyy." Louis whines and makes grabby hands at Harry. "Make him let me go."


"Piss off, Harry." Edward says and Louis rolls his eyes and pouts. Edward continues to rub Louis' tummy and Louis just stares at the ceiling.

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