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This is kind of how I imagine Edward and Harry.

BUT! This guy is a Harry look a like and he's super cute, you should go follow him on Instagram. (Please don't be mean to him, he already gets so much hate 😢)

"Guys! Guys something happened!" Louis exclaims as he runs into the cafeteria looking for Liam and Niall.

Louis sees Liam and Niall sitting at their regular table and he runs over.

"Hey Lou-"

"Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm tutoring Harry Styles!" Louis exclaims, sitting down across from the couple.

"What? How'd you manage that Lou?" Niall asks, leaning into his boyfriend.

"He just came up to me and was like, hey you're good at math and I'm not so, can you like help me?" Louis says and then he quickly adds "He didn't say it exactly like that! He flirted with me and it was amazing!"

"Wow, that's great, Louis. So what's your game plan?" Niall asks.

"What do you mean my 'game plan'?" Louis asks.

"How are you gonna get Harry to like you? Or ask you out? Are you gonna be flirty or like, hard to get?" Niall explains and Louis thinks for a second.

Liam speaks up next. "I think you should be flirty and play hard to get. Like make it kind of obvious your interested, but refuse to admit it. Know what I mean?"

Louis slowly nods. "Yeah... I get it."

"So does this mean you officially like just Harry? And not Edward?" Liam asks, resting his hand on Niall's thigh, just because.

"Well...no. I like both of them actually." Louis says softly.

"That's kind of strange, Lou. And I don't see how that could ever really work out." Liam says and Niall frowns at him.

"Babe...don't shit on Louis' dreams." Niall says and Liam furrows his eyebrows and looks at the blonde.

"I'm not 'shitting on his dreams' I'm being practical, do you really think a set of twins who probably already share everything, want to share a boyfriend?" Liam argues and Niall just sticks his tongue out at Liam and turns back to Louis.

"Don't listen to him, baby." Niall says to Louis and Liam rolls his eyes at the use of a pet name, not directed at him.

"Look, Lou. I think you should go for Harry, since he's the twin that seems interested in you." Liam says.

"But Edward is interested in me too,
I think!" Louis exclaims, trying to defend himself. Liam raises an eyebrow as if to say 'oh really' and Niall urges Louis to explain.

So Louis explains and Liam and Niall both sit quietly to think. Liam is the first to speak up, "I still think you should just go for Harry." Liam says and Louis finds himself frowning.

Louis nods though just because he knows Liam will be happy with that.


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Louis mutters repeatedly as he runs his hands through his hair.

Louis is in his room, standing in front of a mirror, dressed in only black panties. Louis had spent about twenty minutes looking for an outfit that was cute, but made it seem like he wasn't trying too hard.

Louis finally decided on a pair of tights and a cute baby blue, oversized sweater. Louis debated wearing a flower crown, but he decided against it.

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