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literally no ones gonna read this because it's been about 84.5 years.

As the week passed and ended Zayn and Louis grew closer and became even better friends. Louis wanted to introduce Zayn to Liam and Niall because he felt they'd get along well.

Edward and Harry had learned to better control their jealousy and also tried to work out how they could each get equal time with Louis.

Louis came over often and he wanted to introduce his mom to the twins since they technically were his first boyfriends but he couldn't figure out how he'd possibly explain there relationship and it felt wrong to choose a twin to introduce and act as his only boyfriend. Louis just opted for hanging around their house a lot.

After a night of Louis trying to decide on a corresponding halloween costumes that him and the twins could wear, he had given up asking them and decided to ask Zayn. Both boys had been absolutely no help, telling him that "it's up to you," and "whatever you want babe."

"Who are these costumes for? You and Harry?" Zayn asks as he absentmindedly sketches. "Me, Harry and Edward." Louis replies, leaning over and drawing a dick on the corner of Zayn's paper.

"Oh...hmm." Zayn thinks as Louis grabs his hand and draws a smiley face on it. "What's the deal with you and those guys?" Zayn asks, his eyes trained on his paper as he draws a rose. "Are you and Harry together?"

"Me and Harry? Oh no." Louis says, looking down at the smiley face on his hand.

"Oh...so you're into Edward then?" Zayn asks and Louis sighs and plays with the corner of his paper.

"No, no, we're just all good friends." Louis says trying to hide the disappointment in his voice because they weren't friends they were all more than that and it irked him that he couldn't express that.

"Doesn't sound like you like that too much." Zayn comments and Louis sighs and he briefly wonders if he should let Zayn in on their little secret.

"I don't like it." Louis replies and Zayn pauses his actions and looks up at Louis, silently telling him to elaborate.

"Well, obviously they're nice boys and obviously we're good friends... but I like..." Louis pauses, deciding the best what to go about this. "I like... one of them... and they just want to be friends...or, I don't know." Louis shakes his head.

"Aw poor little Louis." Zayn fake pouts, but when he looks up and sees that Louis actually seems upset he sighs and sets down his pencil.

"I'm sure it'll all work out bud and if it doesn't, I'll date you." Zayn jokes and Louis laughs and tosses a pencil at him.

"I don't want to date you." He grumbles and Zayn smiles as he resumes drawing. "Well that's not very nice." He says under his breath and Louis just smiles and ruffles Zayn's hair.

When lunch time comes around neither of the twins are to be found so Louis walks to the cafeteria with a frown as he looks out for Niall and Liam.

"Hey Ni." Louis says as approaches Niall, happy to have found him. Niall smiles and throws an arm over Louis' shoulders and he begins to tell Louis about his day, but Louis can't listen because he's too busy wondering where his twins are.

When he's in line, he spots Edward with a group of guys and he huffs and crosses his arms as he takes note of Edward's hand that's resting loosely around some guys shoulders.

Louis gets his food with Niall and Liam and then slams his tray down on the table angrily before he stabs into his food and chews it harshly.

"Are you alright?" Liam asks, observing Louis' aggressive manner and Louis just shakes his head no and continues to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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