Chapter 4

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I woke up to the feel of someone shaking me. I heard, "Wake up, Lioness, or everyone else will." I opened my eyes and looked up. Draco was above me.

"What do you want, Malfoy? I was trying to sleep."

"Well, so was I, but I was awakened by your awful sobs." I reached up and felt my eyes, and there were wet spots. I sat up and sighed.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry I woke you. I was only, you know, dreaming about sad stuff and shit. Sorry to be a bother." Draco raised an eyebrow at my response, and I got out of his bed, pushing him out of the way. I grabbed my bad and quietly walked to the door. "I'll be on my way; I might have some more awful sobs to let out." I opened the door to leave, but Draco grabbed my wrist.

"Stop. It's not that early, and someone might be up. No one can see that you were in here." I pulled myself from his grip.

"I can handle myself."

"Just let me escort you."

"Fine." I sighed and let him lead me from his dorm to the common room and out into the dungeon. As soon as we got there, I turned from him and marched off, no more words wanting to come out. I just wanted to get to Gryffindor.

"(N/N), where were you last night?" I turned to see Ron's cheerful face. He was one of your only friends here at Hogwarts, for some odd reason. All the Weasleys were your friends, but he had to be the best one.

"I was out and about. I really couldn't sleep in the same dorm as Crystal last night. I've dealt with her for a long time, and last night she just...." I shook my head, to show him I didn't want to talk about it. He seemed to understand, and grabbed my arm to drag me to the Great Hall.

"Well, it's Saturday, (Y/N), so you know what that means.... Trip to Hogsmeade!" He said it so excitedly, I couldn't help but smile in return.

"Alright, Hogsmeade it is! But I don't have much money. You know how Brad is. He refuses to let me enjoy life." Ron nodded sympathetically. I just ignored it. I hated when people who knew about my home life pitied me. It made me feel useless, helpless. Two things I am not.

We arrived in the Great Hall, and I saw Draco sitting over at the Slytherin Table. I knew I shouldn't have stared; I shouldn't have looked over there in the first place. But I did, and I must have held my gaze for a little too long, because Ron put his hand on my arm and asked me if I was alright. I nodded and sat at the table.

Ron, of course, stuffed his face and had a separate conversation with Harry and Hermione. I wasn't all that hungry, so I told Ron I was going to head to Hogsmeade early, and left. I brought my diary and my notebook with me, a coat, and one of my brother's old favorites, just in case I got bored. I pocketed a few sickles, because with Honeydukes around I know I'll want something sweet.

I made my way to Hogsmeade, after checking out with the teacher guide for this weekend (it was Snape! I told him I'd see him tomorrow.). I kind of walked around for a bit, waiting for Ron to meet me here by Honeydukes, like always. But after a half hour, I began to think he wasn't coming. I sighed and made my way to Three Broomsticks for some hot chocolate or something Muggle-ish.

As soon as I walked in and saw not one, but two heads of platinum blond hair, I knew I should have left. But I didn't, because I'm an idiot. As I got closer, I could see that Crystal was talking with Malfoy, and Zabini, Crabbe, and Goyle were at the side. Zabini was in their conversation, too, but Crabbe and Goyle were just excluded. I put the hood of my (F/C) zip-up hoodie on, trying to make it so they didn't know it was me. Unfortunately for me, I wear this hoodie all the time and Crystal knows it's mine.

"(Y/N)? Is that you? Come over here and join us." Crystal waved me over, and I sighed. There was no denying her, because that would lead to trouble with Brad. And we all know how that goes.

Lioness (Draco Malfoy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now