Chapter 13

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"(Y/N), stop crying!"

"I killed a man! I killed more than that!" I sobbed into my pillow, trying to make the noise of my crying a little softer. Draco was sitting at the foot of my bed, trying to cheer me up and make me stop crying.

"You couldn't help it. Now be quiet, someone will end up coming in here."

"Let them come in! Let them see how messed up I am!" I cried harder, and pushed the pillow against my face. Draco sighed.

"Stop crying, (Y/N). No one can know you're so distraught by this." I sat up slowly, wiping the tears from my face.

"Why not? What's so wrong about not being a cold hearted, blood thirsty killer?"

"It makes you different from the rest of them. They don't like different." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "I'm serious, (Y/N). Now stop." I nodded, trying to calm myself down. Once I had finished crying, I gently laid back on the bed.

"I'm going to have to do it again," I whispered. I wasn't sure if Draco heard, but if he did, he stayed quiet. "And I'm going to have to seem heartless." I was staring up at the ceiling, trying to get over the fact I was now a criminal. A murderer.

"(Y/N), I'm going to go. But try not to let anyone see your weakness, okay?" Draco stood from the bed, looked at me for another second, then quietly left my room. I continued staring up at the ceiling, thinking. Thinking about how terrible I was sure I would soon become.

~~I am way too lazy to put a line, so, time skip?~~

Wake up, question, occasionally kill, repeat steps 2 and 3. That was how my day was going. They kept bringing in new people, new Muggleborns, new people they suspected were working with the Order, and it sickened me to have to do this. But it was necessary.

At least I wasn't having to question anyone that I knew.

At last, it was lunch time. I brought the person I had just been interrogating, a woman in her 30s, back down to the cellar, then went up to eat. I was tired and upset, it was written all over my face, but I tried to wipe it off before I got to the dining room.

"Good afternoon," I said to everyone as I walked in, late as usual. I moved over to my seat and sat down, grabbing a plate of food and beginning to eat.

"Did you get any new information today?" Narcissa asked politely, and I shook my head.

"Not really. They all have the same basic information: The Order is on the run, and trying to stop us. And as for Harry, no one has any information on him. None of them even know him personally." Bellatrix got a look on her face that almost made it seem she had gotten an idea, but it was quickly gone.

"Someone will have information on him, soon, I'll make sure of it," said Bellatrix, and I almost rolled my eyes. That woman was insane, bloodthirsty, and coldhearted. And she was apparently going to make sure someone had information on Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I was not looking forward to that.

I finished eating my lunch, then stood. I, of course, had to go back to interrogation. "I hope to see you all at dinner," I tried to say as politely as I could, then rushed out of the room. I couldn't stand to see their faces.

~~ I was actually going to add a line this time but thought it would look wacky so time skip ~~

They woke me up in the middle of the night. For what, I'm not sure. But I was forced to get out of bed and come see what they wanted to show me. I was still in my pajamas, and I was half asleep, but Bellatrix insisted it would be something great.

And that's what worried me the most.

I walked downstairs like a zombie, wanting to get whatever it was over and done with. I arrived downstairs, and someone ushered me to the room where I was questioning people just this morning, afternoon and evening.

"(Y/N), it's so nice of you to join us," drawled Lucius, giving me a disdainful look as he eyed my clothes. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, realizing everyone in the room was fully dressed, except me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a formal event. Shall I go change?" I wondered, feeling a tad out of place. Lucius shook his head.

"No, this will only take a moment. Bellatrix?" Bellatrix walked up from the cellar, pushing two people in front of her. I recognized them as Luna Lovegood and Ollivander.

"What are they doing here?" I snapped, ignoring the shocked look on Luna's face. Bellatrix laughed.

"You'll probably be able to get some information on Potter out of them in the morning. Don't kill them, though, they'll be useful." She laughed again, then began pushing them back down the stairs. I watched in horror, frozen in the sheer realization that I had brought that onto them. I was a terrible person.

"(Y/N), get back to bed. We're done with you." Lucius' harsh voice snapped me out of my trance. I nodded slowly, then turned to go back to my room.

"I'll... I'll see you in the morning," I said quietly, then made my way back upstairs.

When I got to my room, I turned out the lights and slowly laid down on my bed, staring around in the darkness. I was the one who caused this. I was the one who would soon be bringing pain to Luna and Ollivander.

I sighed, and slowly made my way to the wall that I shared with Draco. I gently tapped on it, wondering if I'd get a reply.


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